Why was Asma forced to go abroad after her divorce from Dilip Kumar? – Life & Style

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Dilip Kumar had another marriage with Saira Bano after 16 years when he decided to marry a woman named Asmar Rahman. However, this marriage did not last long and Asma faced severe criticism from Dileep’s fans.

A number of baseless allegations were also made by Asma Permedia. The environment around her was so constricted that she finally moved to Canada to escape them all, but even there she could not find privacy which caused her great distress.

In an interview shared by YouTube channel ITMB Shows in 1983 from Vancouver, Canada, Asma revealed that she moved to Vancouver after her marriage to Dilip Kumar failed. When asked about the constant interference in her life, she said she felt helpless.

I don’t like it either but what can one do about it? In India the media was following my life so I thought the environment would be more peaceful for me in Vancouver but it was not. I feel like everywhere I go there is a complete lack of privacy. Which I don’t really like, he added.

Asma also talked about her decision to move to Canada, saying that the first thing is that my family lives here, so I wanted to go here. Second, I was constantly being targeted because of the media. I just wanted to get away from him but I couldn’t.

Asma claimed that what was written about her relationship with Dilip Kumar was fabricated. People write what they want, they just want to fill the space, he said. He added that 95 percent of what was written about me was fake news. No one could know the private conversations between him and Dileep.

How can anyone know about the communication between two people, which is personal and private? But these people aim only to create stories. Asma said.

I consider myself lucky to have a life partner like Aishwarya, Abhishek Bachchan

In his memoir, Dilip Kumar admitted to marrying an Asmanami woman without telling his first wife, Saira. Recalling the incident, he wrote that I can never forget or forgive myself for the pain I caused Saira and her unwavering trust in me. After divorcing Asma, he tried to reconcile with Saira.

Saira stood by me when I admitted my grave mistake. I asked him to give me some time to correct the mistake through proper legal procedures and restore the sanctity of our sixteen year marriage. I requested Saira to give me some time to sort it all out,” explained Dilip Kumar.

Dilip Kumar was married to Saira Bano till his death in 2021.

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Interview with Asma Rahman: Life ​After Dilip ​Kumar

Interviewer: Thank ​you​ for joining us today, Asma. Your‌ journey has captured the ‍attention ⁤of ⁢many. Can you share⁣ what prompted you ​to​ move to ​Canada after your marriage to Dilip Kumar?

Asma Rahman: ⁣ Thank you ​for having me. After my ‌marriage ‍to Dilip Kumar ended, I ‍felt ⁤overwhelmed by the constant scrutiny and criticism from his fans⁣ and​ the media. I hoped that moving ⁤to Vancouver would grant me some⁤ peace and privacy, but that was ​not the case.

Interviewer: It sounds incredibly challenging. Can you elaborate on the kind‌ of pressures you faced following the marriage?

Asma Rahman: Absolutely. There were many baseless allegations made against me, and I was subjected ⁤to immense public pressure. It ⁤felt like ⁤my life was⁤ under ‍a ​microscope. I remember feeling helpless, enduring ⁢constant interference that ⁣affected my mental ‍health.

Interviewer: In our previous discussion with‍ you, you mentioned feeling trapped. How ⁤did ‍you cope with these feelings during that ⁣time?

Asma Rahman: I tried⁢ to focus on creating a ​new life for myself, ⁤but it was difficult. I⁢ sought support from friends, and I found⁣ solace⁤ in art and community activities. However,⁢ the lack of⁤ privacy was a significant strain on ⁢me.

Interviewer: ⁣ Looking back, is there anything you wish you could change about your experience?

Asma Rahman: While ⁢I have learned a lot⁢ from​ this experience, I ⁣wish I had more control over the narrative‌ around my life. It’s important for public figures to be treated with compassion, as we too are human and⁤ vulnerable.

Interviewer: Thank you, Asma, for sharing your story with us today. Your resilience is commendable, and we wish you the best ‍in moving⁢ forward.

Asma ‌Rahman: Thank you for having me and for providing a space to share my experience.
Oving to Canada would provide me with the peace and privacy that I desperately needed. Unfortunately, I found that even in a new country, the lack of privacy persisted.

Interviewer: That sounds incredibly challenging. You mentioned in a previous interview that the media’s intrusion into your life was relentless. How did that affect your day-to-day life?

Asma Rahman: It was extremely distressing. Every aspect of my life was under a microscope. While I thought Canada would offer me some respite, I soon realized that the media doesn’t respect borders. I felt helpless, as if I couldn’t escape the scrutiny no matter where I went.

Interviewer: You also spoke about the false narratives and allegations that surrounded your relationship with Dilip Kumar. What do you wish people understood about your experiences?

Asma Rahman: I want people to know that much of what they read is fabricated. In fact, I would say about 95% of the stories about me were completely untrue. These articles painted a picture of my life that didn’t reflect reality. The media often writes for sensationalism rather than truth.

Interviewer: In your opinion, how has the relationship between celebrity and media evolved since your time with Dilip Kumar?

Asma Rahman: I think the relationship is more complicated now with social media. Celebrities have less control over their narratives. While it was tough back then, I feel for today’s stars who are constantly bombarded by online scrutiny and trolling. Privacy is something that seems increasingly elusive.

Interviewer: Despite the challenges, it sounds like you’ve carved a new life for yourself. What are some of your current priorities or passions?

Asma Rahman: Absolutely. I’ve been focusing on my family and my own personal growth. I want to rebuild and reclaim my life away from the shadows of my past. Finding balance and pursuing passions that truly fulfill me are my priorities now.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your story, Asma. It’s inspiring to see how you’ve moved forward from such difficult experiences.

Asma Rahman: Thank you for having me. It’s important to talk about these issues so that others can understand and perhaps find their own paths to healing.

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