Why universities of applied sciences want a new form of financing – careers

2023-11-03 09:00:00

Financing study places has long been seen as a model for the entire tertiary sector – targeted and efficient. It is no longer up to date, according to both the University of Applied Sciences Conference (FHK) and the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). At the same time as the start of the semester, Nina Mathies from the ÖH leadership team, for example, called for the end of this individual study place funding in favor of funding for the entire universities of applied sciences (FH). This would give the universities of applied sciences a bit of autonomy back and would be able to adapt the need for study places themselves. The FHK would also like to see changes in the form of financing so that in addition to study places, other tasks of the university of applied sciences can also be compensated. According to the FHK, there is no exact model.

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