Why these works on the Prom’ between Parc Phoenix and the airport? Attention traffic jams in anticipation!

Notice to road users! It could be jammed for months on the Promenade des Anglais, near the airport.

But it is for the sake of the Metropolitan Climate Plan, one of the key acts of which is the creation of a local network of renewable energies.

Work began on Monday and will last at least until the end of the year. We explain to you what it is.

Why this project?

In order to accelerate the ecological transition of its territory, the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis is working with Dalkia to create a network intended to meet the heating and cooling needs of the future Grand Arénas eco-district. All while relying on a carbon-free solution: thermal energy from the water treated by the Haliotis wastewater treatment plant in Ferber.

Who is Dalkia?

It is a French company affiliated with the EDF group, specializing in energy services and decentralized energy production, which develops, in particular, alternative renewable energies.

The Métropole has issued this entity with an authorization for temporary occupation of the public road domain for a period of 36 years, for the laying of the pipes, which will constitute the temperate water loop, and their operation.

What schedule?

This network project starts with works that began on Monday on the southern roadway of the Promenade des Anglais. This first phase will ensure the connection between Haliotis, terminal 1 of the airport and the ecopark, currently being developed by the EPA Ecovallée, at the entrance to the Grand Arénas.

Until August 15: reduction to two lanes of traffic on the Promenade des Anglais on both roads between Edhec and Parc Phœnix. This results in particular in the ban on turning left to reach the city center from the Grenouillères crossroads. Detour via boulevard René-Cassin and rue Charles-Chauve.

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Then, from August 16 to December 30: reduction to two traffic lanes on the southern roadway of the Promenade des Anglais between the Grenouillères and Haliotis crossroads.

And after?

A new phase of work is expected in early 2023. Because the project is important: it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and increase energy production by 9%. by 2025. Moreover, this future local renewable energy network plans to reduce CO2 emissions by 6,200 tonnes per year (a French person emits an average of 12 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year).

The end goal?

The Metropolis wishes to increase the share of production of renewable energies from 9 to 18%. It will thus be able to reduce the use of thermal means of production, which generate greenhouse gases, reduce its energy dependence, stabilize the local price of energy in a context of soaring fossil fuel prices.

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