Why the transfer of Brussels “squatters” to a Flemish hotel caused a “political commotion”

160 asylum seekers were urgently transferred to Ruisbroek on Wednesday evening, pending a solution from Fedasil. Flanders, at least on its right-wing political side, has made a huge controversy out of it.

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Political journalist

Reading time: 5 mins

Uno “political commotion”, just that. This is how the VRT, the Flemish public media, has chosen to label its media coverage of the evacuation of a squat located rue des Palais in Schaerbeek. The term is not an exaggeration given the number of political outings in the past twenty-four hours in the north of the country. Ministers, deputies, mayors, party presidents, mostly located on the right and the extreme right, have proclaimed their anger. Even the Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo (VLD) had to go to the front in the Chamber on Thursday followingnoon. And why ? Because 160 people – a priori all asylum seekers – spent the night in a hotel located on the outskirts of the capital, in Ruisbroek.

The mayor of the town in question, labeled N-VA, had sounded the alert on Wednesday followingnoon, denouncing the fact that he had not been notified of the arrival of asylum seekers, which did not is still unclear at this point.

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