Why should you take whey after 50?

2024-08-31 14:55:57

Needs: How much protein do you need after age 50?

Recommended protein intake set Adults over 50 years of age need at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. The age at which muscle tissue gradually begins to degenerate. For healthy young people, the recommended intake is 0.83 g/kg/day.
Therefore, protein requirements increase significantly with age.to prevent muscle atrophy that threatens the elderly.
Between increased needs and often decreased intake due to decreased appetite and decreased appetite Decreased appetite for meat productsprotein deficiency in the elderly is real public health problem. One-tenth to one-third of them lack protein intake.

How much muscle mass does a 50-year-old woman have?

Male and female bodies are not distributed equally.
First, women physiologically have lower muscle mass (30% to 35% weight) is higher than that of men (40% to 45% weight).
Women start at the age of forty Lose muscle mass byAbout 3% to 8% every decadeIt may accelerate after menopause due to declining levels of estrogen, a hormone that plays a role in maintaining muscle mass.

The average muscle mass of a fifty-year-old woman is 25% to 30% Their overall quality, but it can vary greatly based on their physical activity level, physical condition, diet, genetics and even overall health.

Bodybuilding: Can you still gain muscle at the age of 50?

Fortunately, he is completely Can you gain muscle at the age of 50?although this may require Try harder. First, building muscle mass, no matter what your age, inevitably involves bodybuilding physical trainingexercises designed to stimulate growth of major large muscle groups. A structured, progressive program tailored to each individual’s level is critical to avoiding injury.
While exercising, Nutrition clearly plays a key role in building muscle. Consuming enough high-quality protein is essential to promote muscle synthesis.

At age 50, you may need to increase your protein intake slightly, aiming for about 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Rebecca Chocron, nutritionist in Marseille.

In addition to protein intake, it is also important to have adequate and balanced caloric intake, including complex carbohydrates and healthy lipids, namely polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.
Also pay attention to recovery, which becomes more important as you age. of rest time Sufficient time between training sessions to allow Rebuild and strengthen muscles. and sleep tight Of course valuable for muscle recovery and overall health too!

What kind of protein should you eat after the age of 60?

After the age of 60, as long as there are no major problems such as loss of appetite, deficiency or any pathology, protein needs can be met through food.
“For people over 60, the best sources of protein are: lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean beef), fish (lean and fatty) and seafood, eggs, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), nuts and seeds, soy products (tofu, tempeh) and whole grains (quinoa, oats, brown rice),” Rebecca Chocron lists.
To increase your muscle mass, if your appetite is not adequate for these foods, Protein food supplements may be helpful.

this casein It is a high-quality, slow-digesting protein that helps extend amino acid intake, especially at night. It can help prevent muscle breakdown over a longer period of time. It is often recommended to consume it in the form of a protein shake before bed or mixed with desserts such as cottage cheese or preserves.
this plant protein Also a great option, especially for those who are lactose intolerant or prefer to avoid dairy products. For example, soybeans are a complete protein and are rich in leucine. Pea and rice protein blends are also popular because they provide a balanced amino acid profile.
Lappegg proteinEgg whites, in particular, are a high-quality, fat-free source of protein. It is easily digested and rich in essential amino acids.
Finally, popular with athletes, whey is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, including leucine, which is particularly valuable for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. It is quickly digested and absorbed, which makes it ideal for building muscle mass after exercise. It is sold in powder form and can be used to make smoothies by simply mixing with milk or water, or incorporated into yogurt, fruit preserves or cereal.

At what age is it appropriate to consume whey?

There is no specific age limit for consuming whey, and it is a great protein supplement for those who struggle to meet their needs. Due to its excellent nutritional qualities and rapid absorption, it is widely used by young adult athletes looking to increase muscle mass, and it is in this environment that it is most popular.
However, it is a food supplement that has a place in the diet of people over 50, who have more severe muscle breakdown. Starting from this age, The body “destroys” more amino acids than it synthesizeswhich leads to progressive muscle atrophy.

“Whey is particularly useful for people who have difficulty getting enough protein through their diet, those seeking to maintain or increase muscle mass, and those involved in exercise or rehabilitation programs,” explains the nutritionist.

But be careful, before starting whey supplementation, it is recommended for people over 50 Please consult a doctor or nutritionisteven more so in the presence of Kidney or liver problems.

“Also pay attention to the choice of product: you must always choose a Additive-free whey useless, Low sugar contentand adapted to the specific needs of older adults,” explains Rebecca Chocron.




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