Why should you choose a heat pump?

2023-12-19 16:39:44

While the cost of energy is becoming increasingly central to individuals, over the months and years we are observing a shift towards ever more economical, but above all, more ecological energy. One of the most popular energy sources is probably the heat pump. Practical and economical, the heat pump is increasingly installed almost everywhere in France. Moreover, the various boosts from the State in 2023 are certainly not unrelated. Focus on this heating method.

What is a heat pump?

In order to fully understand why choose a heat pump is a good idea for heating (but not only!), it is appropriate to refer to its operation. To tell the truth, the latter is not the most complex, since we all have a heat pump at home: our refrigerator! The principle is therefore simple. A heat pump is made up of two units, one in your home and the other outside. As the name suggests, the system will pump heat from one unit to another. This therefore allows for a dual operation:

  • Heating: by capturing heat from the outside to the inside, the pump helps warm a home. This is the usual operation in winter.
  • Refrigerant: conversely, the pump modifies its operation and captures heat from the inside to the outside in order to cool the home. Generally, this mode is used in summer since it involves air conditioning.

The heat pump is therefore perfect for use as both heating and air conditioning. Contrary to what one might think at first glance, it can very well capture external heat in winter (even when it is cold), and this, in the air, the earth or the water. Finally, be aware that by keeping the operation in “heating” mode, it is possible to produce hot water.

Benefits for your wallet… but also for the planet!

Beyond the fact that the heat pump has reversible operation, it is the economic aspect (in the financial and environmental sense) that the heat pump is so popular with.

Reduce your bills

A heat pump runs on electricity. That said, it is important to note that the consumption linked to its operation is particularly efficient thanks to a high COP (coefficient of performance). In other words, this means that the heat pump is able to produce more heat with less electricity than another system. Therefore, the results are not long in coming: some pumps can achieve 60% energy savings! Better yet, if you couple the pump to a solar panel system, then you drastically reduce your energy consumption on the electricity network (especially in sunny regions). In short, the investment for a heat pump can be significant (we will come back to this), but the savings remain more than relevant.

To preserve the environment

If a system consumes less energy, it is because it is able to preserve the environment and reduce global warming (let’s not forget that). As we mentioned just above, the heat pump has high efficiency: it therefore requires fewer resources than electric or gas heating. At the same time, if you can combine it with renewable energy, you are taking a big step towards energy autonomy on heating. Today, the heat pump is probably the most environmentally friendly heating (and air conditioning, if necessary) system. Finally, note that heat pump systems have a reputation for being particularly resistant in the long term. As a result, this longevity makes it possible to reduce the resources necessary for the manufacture of this heating system. This is, once once more, excellent news for our planet.

Can we obtain financial aid when installing a heat pump in France?

At first glance, you might think that a heat pump is overpriced when you want to install it in your home. In fact, the average price of installing a heat pump is between €6,000 and €16,000. Even if we can think that the resulting energy savings compensate for this cost in the long term, it remains a significant amount to invest. The good news is that significant assistance is offered to individuals wishing to install this type of heating:

  • MaPrimeRenov’ : this is the main financial aid from the State. If you are eligible (it depends on the household income level for homes over 15 years old), it can reach up to 90% of the cost of the work or €70,000 for the most modest households (in this extreme case , other work than the installation of the heat pump must be carried out)
  • MaPrimeRénov’ Serenity : cannot be combined with MaPrimeRénov’ simple, it is only reserved for the most modest households using an RGE certified craftsman to carry out the work. This assistance adds the component of “Living Better”, i.e. carrying out work with the aim of living decently in housing.
  • The zero-rate eco-loan : of up to €50,000, this loan makes it easier to finance the rest of the work (MaPrimeRénov” aid deducted). The interest on this loan is financed by the State. Granted without means conditions, the zero-rate eco-loan is still subject to conditions: the accommodation must have been completed for more than two years and occupied as a main residence.
  • Energy boost : there are different bonuses depending on the nature of your work (and is not granted by the State directly, but by companies). Here, the bonus that interests us is the heating boost. Can be combined with previous aid, this aid depends on the household’s level of resources.

Finally, we might also have mentioned the use of the energy check, but it is increasingly used to pay bills (for electricity or gas for example). In any case, the aid is very interesting (in 2023, in any case), and it would be a shame to miss it!

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