why should we avoid tearing it off?

2023-04-26 08:01:43

Except that it’s so tempting to eradicate these few intruders that loom on your hair. Having gray hair, sometimes even in your thirties, can quickly become a source of anxiety and complex. Nobody wants to grow old! However, even if this option seems fast and effective, it is better to refrain from it. Rest assured, there are other ways to camouflage this problem.

Appearance of gray hair – Source: spm

Why shouldn’t you tear out your gray hair?

The passage of time is inevitable and, no matter how hard we try to counter the work of Mother Nature, having white hair is a normal and natural process. It would be so simple if we might just accept it and live with it. But no, unfortunately, this process is in total contradiction with our current societies which idolize beauty and youth to the highest degree. Strangely enough, men are a little more spared in this area: it would seem that having a pepper & salt mane would give them a certain flattering cachet, character and even sex appeal. For women, it’s an entirely different matter. When they are decked out in white hair, it is more like a form of decrepitude and it proves that old age is lurking. So, no, it’s not very glamorous! Even worse, it can lead to real depression. Too bad if it’s a natural and inevitable effect, the mere sight of a gray hair horrifies them and immediately triggers the need to pull it out on the spot. Ladies, we fully understand your dismay, but it’s not a good idea at all.

Read also: Coloring white hair with coffee: tips & tricks

Although it’s very tempting to pull out that gray hair at the root as soon as it appears, you need to understand what happens next. No, indeed, the idea received to have ten others in stride, it is only an unfounded popular belief. On the other hand, scientifically speaking, something happens at this time. You should know that hair turns white when the pigment cells in the hair follicle die. Too technical for you? In other words, when you pull out one gray hair, another appears in its place. As the follicle ends up producing less melanin (molecule that determines the color of hair and skin), it will tend to produce less sebum as well. Therefore, white hair will have a different texture from that of other hair. And the more you tear them off, the thicker and more visible they come back. So, obviously, this is not the most beneficial option!

rosemary oil

Rosemary oil – Source: spm

You can’t stand this dull and grayish look anymore, but you categorically refuse to fall into the trap of coloring so soon? It is true that this will push you to do it on a recurring basis and that requires a hell of a budget. Don’t worry, there are other natural solutions that will help slow down and ease the process. We insist on the term “attenuate”, because whatever happens, white hair will never completely disappear! But since they remain unattractive for many people, we invite you to try these few home remedies to remedy them, without having to resort to chemicals that tend to attack the hair in the long run.

This tuber is a real treasure for health: it is full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The good news is that it can be a great support in reducing gray hairs and even delaying them. And this, thanks to the catalase enzyme it contains. An antioxidant that boosts the regeneration of collagen tissue and helps camouflage gray hair. How to apply it on your mane? This grandmother’s trick will do the trick: peel and blend a raw onion to extract the juice. Then filter this juice. Ideally, mix it with 2 spoons of lemon juice, the effect will be better. All you have to do is apply this remedy evenly on the scalp or directly on the area dotted with white hair. Leave on for regarding 30 minutes and rinse off using a mild shampoo to get rid of the strong onion smell.

  • With rosemary oil

Vogue magazine itself mentioned the benefits of rosemary oil on hair, following a Japanese study done at Kindai University in Osaka. If you want to darken your gray hair without going through the coloring box, this is the remedy for you! In addition to naturally covering your white hair, this oil balances the sebum of the scalp, without modifying its pH. We offer two options:

-Add 10 drops of rosemary oil to your usual shampoo and wash your hair with this mixture regularly, according to your washing frequency. Alternatively, you can spray the oil directly onto the scalp, massaging the entire head for 15 minutes. Then proceed to rinsing.

– Alternatively, you can also infuse roughly chopped rosemary leaves (450 g) in a pan of water for 15 minutes. Then let the solution cool for a few hours, before straining it. Apply it to the root just following shampooing and rinse thoroughly.

  • With this promising duo: chamomile and turmeric

Do you have light brown or blonde hair? This home remedy is for you! Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce scalp irritation. As a bonus, it’s a great way to give your hair a little pep without it turning orange. You will get a natural effect, with pretty reflections accentuated by the shiny effect of chamomile. To prepare this mixture, follow these steps.

  • In a saucepan, pour 2 cups of water and heat.
  • When it comes to a boil, add 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
  • Then turn off the heat and let cool for 20 minutes.
  • After shampooing, apply this solution to your hair. Scrub them well and rinse with clear water. For greater effectiveness, repeat two or three times a week.

As we have made clear, there is no magic formula to prevent the appearance of gray hair, but certain habits can contribute to delaying this process. If you are worried regarding their massive production, these tips will help you prevent the premature appearance of white hair.

  1. Consume more vitamin B

A healthy and balanced diet keeps you healthy and protects your body once morest various diseases. But, the advantage also of certain foods is that they help to delay the inevitable arrival of white hair. Your best ally? Vitamin B. If you consume it regularly, you will enjoy all its benefits. Its assimilation promotes the activity of melanocytes, cells responsible for maintaining optimal production of melanin. So, stock up on fish, green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, asparagus), dried fruit, white beans, orange, soy, rice and egg yolk.

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  1. Add more iron to your diet

Many studies have established a definite link between iron deficiency and various hair problems, including alopecia. Although there is no formal scientific evidence, it can also be assumed that it has some influence on the appearance of premature gray hair. Either way, you lose nothing by boosting the iron dose in the body, it’s always good for your health. The best sources of iron are: corn, red meat, dried fruits, green vegetables, seafood, lentils and white beans or even parsley.

  1. Avoid smoking

In addition to doing damage to the body in general, smoking is also a scourge for the health of your hair. Research has even shown a link between hair loss and smoking. In addition, the toxic substances contained in cigarettes can accelerate the appearance of white hair. If you dream of having a strong, beautiful and youthful mane, you know what you have to do!

Read also: Spoiled eggs: the benefits for damaged hair

#avoid #tearing



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