Why should not alcohol be combined with antibiotics?

Written in LIFESTYLE the

Classic that you are coming out of that infection in the throat or stomach that made you go to the doctor, who He prescribed antibiotics, but they invited you to a party and… of course! a few flirtatious shots of alcoholObviously, they cross your path.

Your mother or your grandmother have always told you that you shouldn’t mix alcohol with antibiotics, that if you cross, that if the medicine no longer works, but what really happens if you combine them?

What happens if I combine alcohol with antibiotics?

The Mayo Clinic organization indicates that although moderate alcohol use does not reduce the effectiveness of most antibiotics, it can reduce your energy and slow your recovery from illness.

But not only that, in her TikTok account, Dr. Laura Salazar, a surgeon, explains other problems that this mixture can bring.

He points out that when the liver metabolizes alcohol, it first turns it into acetaldehyde, which is a highly toxic substance.

Antibiotics cause a buildup of acetaldehyde and this buildup of toxins causes symptoms such as severe nausea and vomiting, palpitations in the head and neck, irregular and/or rapid heartbeat, anxiety, dizziness, sweating, flushing, and intense thirst.

But also, according to the Mayo Clinic organization, it indicates that some antibiotics combined with alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer can cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure.

Dr. Salazar explains that these drinks contain a substance called tyramine and when there is a lot of tyramine in the body, adrenaline increases.

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And the thing is, many antibiotics interfere with the breakdown of tyramine, which causes a buildup of this substance in the body, which can cause adrenaline to rise, the heart to start racing, and blood pressure to rise to levels dangerous.

“In addition, by themselves, the drugs can cause liver damage. So the combination of any antibiotic with alcohol increases the risk of causing liver damage much more,” adds the surgeon.

That is why it is better that you postpone drinking alcohol, those flirty drinks, until you finish your treatment with antibiotics.

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