Why people with this blood group get sick less often

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Von: Josephine Lenz

Coronavirus: Do you know what blood type you have? Researchers have now discovered an interesting connection with corona infections.

Since the outbreak of CoronaPandemic research is being carried out on the virus worldwide in order to obtain as much information as possible. Among other things work scientist flat out on one Vaccine once morest the coronavirus or investigate how Covid-19 spread via aerosols. In order to contain the pandemic, experts recommend the rules of distance and hygiene as well as the obligation to wear masks. But in addition to the many factors to yourself to protect once morest Coronathere is also a risk factor that we cannot influence.

illness Coronavirus
transmission droplet infection
course of the disease 80 percent mild or moderate symptoms

As researcher out of Austria found out also plays ours blood type a determining factor as to whether we engage with Corona infect or not. So now it’s better to look at the birth or donor card to see which blood group you have!

Corona research: blood group A, B, AB or 0 – what is the difference?

Scientists from China and Europe have already devoted themselves to this topic and now the Austrian Medical University of Graz (Med Uni Graz) is joining them. In a report, the researchers describe the effects the Blood group with regard to a possible CoronaInfection – and discover an interesting connection.

Short explanation: There are four blood types – A, B, AB and 0. They denote the antigens that each of us has in our blood. To be more precise: A membrane encompasses every single red blood cell. Different amounts of carbohydrates (sugar) and proteins are stuck in the membranes. These in turn give the red blood cells a specific surface structure, the so-called antigens.

In addition to the designations A, B, 0, there is also the Rhesus factor. Rhesus positive (+) people have a D antigen on their surface, Rhesus negative (-) people do not. The blood groups differ as follows:

  • blood group A only has the antigen A
  • blood type B only has the antigen B
  • blood type AB has both antigens (AB)
  • blood group 0 has no antigens on the surface

In Germany, most people have blood group A+ or 0+ (both around 36 percent). The rarest blood groups are O-, B- and AB-.

Corona infection: A blood group is less likely to contract Covid-19

The researchers from Austria have Coronapatients on their blood type tested and then compared. “In our study, we are investigating whether the ABO blood group characteristics can represent a possible additional risk factor for infection and disease from COVID-19“, says transfusion medicine specialist Thomas Wagner. Already in the first research results it can be stated that there is a connection with a Covid-19 infection and the Blood group gives. This confirms the findings from Europe and China. According to this, people with blood group 0 are less likely to get corona than people with blood groups A, B or AB.

For the study, a total of 399 Crown-Patentwho were hospitalized were examined. “Whole blood donors (n=250,298) from the blood donation service (ÖRK Landesverband Steiermark) serve as a comparative control for the ‘normal’ blood group distribution in Styria.“, Thomas Wagner describes the structure of the study.

Our study results show that people with Blood group O a statistically significantly lower probability have on COVID19 to fall illthan people with other ABO phenotypes (blood type A, B or AB)‘ the researchers report. the blood type AB on the other hand, it becomes significant in infected people and people suffering from COVID-19 more often detected.

Corona infection: blood group 0 infected less often – and now?

However, the findings bring none outcrop on the course of the disease one Coronavirus-Infection. That means people with blood group 0 not more severe but also not easier to get ill with Corona. Compliance with the measures is therefore also essential for them. “It is now necessary to research the mechanism that plays a role in this. Other blood group systems are also included in the investigations.”, Eva Maria Matzhold and Thomas Wagner look to the future. (jol)



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