“Why M’Baye Niang’s Absence from Auxerre’s Important Trip Has Stirred Up Controversy: Insights from Coach Christophe Pelissier”

2023-05-28 05:54:53

After the draw obtained on the lawn of Toulouse (1-1), Christophe Pelissier was questioned about the absence of M’Baye Niang within the Auxerre group for this very important trip in the race to maintain. And the words of the Auxerre coach reflected a certain dissatisfaction with the striker.

“It’s a choice, he missed a few sessions this week and I needed players who were 100%”, first indicated the technician. Relaunched to find out if the Senegalese was sick or injured, Pelissier was also laconic: “He missed training this week, I can’t say more. »

#ToulouseAuxerre #Christophe #Pelissier #criticizes #MBaye #Niang

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