Why is Ukraine the ‘European Surrogacy Capital’?Famous doctor exposed: 5 keys to self-protection when looking for a surrogate

[Reporter Huang Manying from Chinese Health Network/Taipei Report]Recently, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has become tense. When the outside world pays attention to the political situation, another bright spot is the beautiful Ukraine. Every year, about 2,000 babies are conceived through surrogacy, which can be said to be “European surrogacy.” capital”. A few days ago, due to the new crown epidemic, many surrogate babies were “waiting”. Are you curious: why is Ukraine the capital of surrogacy? Are there other country options? If you want to embark on the road of surrogacy, what should you pay special attention to? Come and listen to the detailed analysis of artificial reproduction experts.

There are more than 30 countries in the world that have laws regulating surrogacy.

For couples suffering from infertility, finding a surrogate mother is the last hope to fulfill their dream of seeking a child! Two years ago, “Apple Daily” reported that an infertile Taiwanese female teacher surnamed Wu went to Ukraine to find a surrogate and gave birth to a twin. The brothers and sisters are “hybrid” from the father’s sperm combined with the eggs of Ukrainian oocytes. attract public attention. But everyone is still curious to ask: “If you want to take the road of surrogacy, is there anything you need to pay special attention to?” Cai Fengbo, a domestic artificial reproduction expert and obstetrician and gynecologist, revealed the “5 keys to self-protection for surrogacy”.

The global surrogacy market has a market value of up to 6 billion US dollars: two major systems are recommended

Who needs help with a surrogate mother? Including: congenitally no uterus, uterine fibroids and adenomas have been removed from the uterus, and women with major heart disease, or lung disease, or medical disease, who are at risk of pregnancy. The above reasons have all contributed to the increase in the need for surrogate mothers. It is estimated that the global surrogacy market is as high as 6 billion US dollars, which is amazing!

Cai Fengbo, an obstetrician and an expert in artificial reproduction, said that people who seek help from surrogate mothers used to go to Thailand. However, Thailand’s economy has recently taken off, so Thailand has a legislative ban in 2017. Therefore, infertile patients seeking surrogate mothers began to move to Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. There are more than 30 countries in the world that have laws regulating surrogacy, but two systems are recommended: one is the United States and Canada system; the other is the Ukraine, Russia, or Georgia system. However, not every state in the United States legalizes surrogacy. For example, Florida and California can, but most of the others are not.


To identify the person who assists the surrogate mother, it is necessary to go through a very rigorous health examination.

American surrogacy companies spend an average of 4 million to 6 million to find a surrogate for a long time

Why recommend the United States and Canada? The Ministry of Health and Welfare once sent a special person to California to inspect two companies in order to study the needs of Chinese people for surrogate mothers. One of them is a company with a history of 40 years, which has relatively large scale and clinical experience, and it can be used as a reference for infertile patients in the meeting of the medical association! Many well-known American TV hosts have also been surrogate mothers here. So far, 1,000 or 2,000 surrogate mothers have given birth to children.

However, some people will consider that the United States is too expensive and choose to seek surrogacy in Ukraine. Dr. Cai Fengbo shared that he had a patient who lived in the Philippines to seek treatment and do IVF. He moved the frozen embryos of our hospital to the United States to be a surrogate mother, and the price was NT$6 million. There was once a person from Taiwan to the United States to borrow sperm and surrogate mother, and it cost 4.5 million yuan. Therefore, it costs an average of NT$4 million to NT$6 million, which is very difficult for families who are not financially well-off.

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Ukraine has a surrogacy economic package, the most expensive is about NT$1.7 million

On the other hand, there is a so-called surrogacy economic package in Ukraine, the most expensive is about NT$1.7 million, of which the surrogate mother itself is NT$410,000, and the eggs are borrowed about NT$20,000 to NT$40,000. Therefore, for Ukrainians with a monthly salary of NT$3,000, women who are willing to accept surrogacy are rushing, including lawyers, civil servants, and even office workers, who will also donate eggs to earn extra money.

No matter where you go to find a surrogate in any country, you still have to beware of disputes

However, the number of Ukrainian clients seeking surrogacy has grown to the point of causing some drawbacks. Most of them come from “male-male love” in some countries. If the health check of a surrogate mother is not rigorous enough, or the embryos are exchanged, disputes will arise one after another.


Couples who plan to go abroad to find a surrogate mother, whether they choose to go to the U.S.-Canada system, or choose to go to the Ukraine, Russia, or Georgia system, have things to pay attention to.

Is there a regulation in the United States, so there must be no problem with surrogacy? Dr. Cai Fengbo said that in November, a famous artificial surrogacy center in California, USA, happened a copy of the M-baby incident in 1980, that is, the surrogate mother took the child born by herself and did not return it to the infertile couple. Litigation now. Therefore, this kind of surrogate mother and child will have a situation of emotional reluctance.

[Five key to self-protection for surrogacy]:

Dr. Cai Fengbo suggested that couples who plan to go abroad to find a surrogate mother, whether they choose to go to the US-Canada system, or choose to go to Ukraine, Russia, or Georgia, should pay attention to the following matters:

1. First of all, the pockets must be deep enough. It costs 2 million yuan to find a surrogate in Ukraine, and about 4.5-6 million yuan to the United States. To seek surrogate mother infertility patients in Ukraine, the conditions to be met: they must be under the age of 52, and have failed IVF.

2. Pay attention to the whole process of the surrogate mother, whether there are documents supervised by legal lawyers, that is, it is safer to have legal protection.

3. To determine the person who will assist the surrogate mother, it is necessary to undergo a very rigorous health examination.

4. Although the probability of the M-baby event is very low, since it has already occurred, the possibility of risk cannot be ruled out. At present, the largest surrogacy market in the world is in the United States. The United States treats surrogacy as a commercial act, which is different from the Taiwanese draft surrogacy law that treats surrogacy as an ethical or medical practice.

5. Note that the surrogate mother is a test-tube baby operation. It may be successful once, or it may fail the first, second, and third times… These costs must be paid, so be prepared.

【Extended reading】

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