Интифада срещу Нинова на конгреса на БСП, тя непоклатима в танка срещу „джендърите” – 2024-02-23 01:50:47
/Поглед.инфо/ Верни на председателката делегати игнорираха подписка на над 270 други делегати за оставката ѝ плюс проекторезолюция на „Социализъм XXI век” и изключиха от партията 14 знакови „бунтовници”. За „революция и съпротива” предупреди водачът на евродепутатите социалисти Петър Витанов, заметнат с палестинска кърпа. Без да трепне, Нинова издигна борбата с „джендър идеологията” като фокус на … Read more
You can read the full story here: Интифада срещу Нинова на конгреса на БСП, тя непоклатима в танка срещу „джендърите” – 2024-02-23 01:50:47 .
Kolstad Handball, Sander Sagosen | Kolstad outclassed by Zagreb in their own hall – CL promotion regarding to slip away
The high-stakes Trønder club was behind from the first minute and is now three points behind…
Wendy Williams, USA | TV personality Wendy Williams has developed dementia
The entertainment magazine Variety refers to a statement from the team of Wendy Williams, which says that…
The post Wendy Williams, USA | TV personality Wendy Williams has developed dementia appeared first on Breaking Latest News.
Why is the “Ras El Hekma” area considered the future of tourism investment in Egypt?
The North Coast region in general, and Ras El Hekma in particular, is truly the future of tourism investment in Egypt, and many hope that this region, along with the New City of El Alamein and the North Coast, will be the engine of growth for the Egyptian economy in the coming years. There are […]
The post Why is the “Ras El Hekma” area considered the future of tourism investment in Egypt? appeared first on News Directory 3.