Why is the Earth spinning faster and faster?

on August 13, 2022 at 5:42 p.m.

August 13, 2022 at 5:37 PM

Our earth is spinning faster and faster, it is even spinning at a “crazy speed” according FuturaSciences. Our days are getting shorter but we cannot notice it, because it is counted in milliseconds.

We learn it when we are small in school, the Earth makes a turn on itself in 24 hours, this is what defines the duration of our day. But the planet is not so constant. Over the years, it tends to slow down. Except for a few years, where the trend has reversed, since our planet is rotating faster and faster. June 29, 2022 was the shortest day on record. It will have lasted 1.59 milliseconds less than usual indicates FuturaSciences.

Unknown reasons

The cause of this acceleration is not really known, but certain hypotheses are stated by scientists. Indeed, many factors can cause the change in speed of our planet, but it is a difficult process to decipher even today. We know that the force of the tides and the movements of the satellites might have an impact on the speed. The climate too.

Maybe because of global warming? We already know that the increase in earth’s heat upsets the atmosphere et that it darkens the Earth. But for now, no certainty. Some scientists believe that this phenomenon is related to the oscillation of the Chandler axis (the axis of rotation of the Earth). This phenomenon would greatly influence the poles, where thea polar bear was recently seen standing upright.

What changes to expect?

Do not panic ! According to scientists, there is a 70% chance that we have reached the minimum within the possible duration of a day. However, otherwise, adaptations would have to be made. Like, adopting a negative leap second to keep clocks in step with the Sun. It would also cause a problem for our computer systems.



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