Indian chef Hina Kausar, who made ‘pink biryani’ inspired by the Hollywood movie ‘Barbie’, is facing severe criticism from social media users.
A video of pink biryani is going viral on social platform Instagram, where everything from rice to spices, raita and everything else has been changed to pink.
It should be remembered that the Holi movie ‘Barbie’, which was released on July 21 last year, became popular all over the world. (played by star Ryan Gosling) and shared the pictures on social media.
During this time, almost every actor, influencer and YouTuber on social media wore pink and it quickly became a top trend.
Looking at the same trend, Indian chef/baker Hina Kausar also thought of something new and made ‘Pink Biryani’.
In the viral video, the chef shows the pink spice and pink rice and says ‘Barbie biryani looks good doesn’t it?’
Also, in the same video, Chef Hina Kausar is pouring pink raita in a pot, she says, ‘If you are wondering what it is, it is the raita of Barbie biryani, if it is Barbie biryani, then the raita is also Barbie. Shouldn’t it?’
After seeing this video, many social media users expressed their sadness and anger saying that ‘this is an insult to Biryani’, some users wrote that ‘delete this video now before I throw my phone away’, another An Instagram user wrote, ‘Where did you get the courage to make such a joke with my biryani?’
Another Instagram user wrote, ‘Briyabi, we are ashamed’, while one user suggested that ‘next time Barbie will make nihari and Barbie kulche too’.
#chef #Pink #Briyabi #criticism #social #media
2024-05-11 07:09:23