文章: Jonas Maki – Gamereactor.cn
A lot of us are pretty surprised when we open our emails and notice there’s an email from Nintendo. While this isn’t entirely uncommon, it’s usually regarding Ned games and various campaigns. On the other hand, it’s regarding a game released in 2017 – Super Mario Odyssey.
In the subject line, Nintendo wrote“Super Mario Odyssey – remember the last time you played it?”while also adding“Maybe it’s worth jumping on the Odyssey once more and re-traveling”.It might just be withsuper mario bros movieIn connection with the April premiere, Nintendo wanted some synergy, reminding people that only 3D Super Mario Adventure is available for Switch.
That being said, it’s also possible that Nintendo has some plans, either for DLC for the game (Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got DLC, remember?) or even brand new adventures. While it might be more reasonable to believe that Nintendo would save a new Mario adventure for their next console, we still wonder why you think Nintendo has suddenly decided it’s time to talk regarding a game that’s celebrating its 6th anniversary this year?
Oh, and please tell us what you think of Super Mario Odyssey.
This article and pictures are authorized by Gamereactor, the original textposted here