Why is Miguel Varoni so skinny? Comments from his wife Catherine Siachoque and his networks alert his fans. The actor spoke with SEMANA

The images have flooded social networks for a few days and left more than one surprised, especially those who remember Miguel Varoni, corpulent and with an athletic body, in the days when he shone as a leading man in soap operas like Las Juan y Peter the scaly.

The Colombian-Argentine actor, who currently works as creative vice president of Estudios Telemundo and director and producer of this channel, faced all sorts of speculation about his state of health, some of which suggested that he suffered from a serious illness.

But behind the extreme thinness that she looks now, and which is further accentuated by her height of 1.90 meters, there is a profound change in her diet and a vegan diet that began a few months ago., following in the footsteps of his wife, the also actress Katherine Siachoque, who incorporated her into his life for several years. Both are one of the most beloved couples on national television. This romance began more than two decades ago, during the recordings of the successful novel Las Juan.

“It was love at first sight, it was fast and very cute. We met on a plane, she was doing a novel called Las Juan and I entered chapter 20, approximately ”said the actor for a Peruvian media outlet.

Currently, this couple of actors has consolidated a solid love that has overcome rumors and distances due to their work projects. However, not everything has been smooth sailing for both of them.

A few months ago, images of Miguel Varoni began to circulate, which caused many of his followers to worry, since the actor’s appearance seemed thinner than what he was used to seeing.

Driven by a desire to transform his personal appearance, “because the years do not come alone”, and adopting a healthier image, Varoni has spared no effort. Less than a year ago he underwent rejuvenation surgery, which was left in the hands of plastic surgeon Alan González, who assured that this procedure was justified to the extent that “his aging process accelerated greatly. And, when losing facial volume, the structure that gives some support to the face is not only the bones and muscle. It is also the fat that is under the skin.”

Something that also, according to the artist, would explain the drastic change in his appearance. Among the touch-ups that Varoni sought in the operating room, as he revealed, are the projection of the cheekbones, the mandibular ridge, as well as the flaccidity of the neck, chest and abdomen.

Today, regardless of people’s comments, which come to him by the dozens, especially on Instagram, Varoni said he feels good about his physical appearance, with more energy and a better metabolism. “I feel that I am in one of the best moments of my health and my professional life,” he told WEEK.

The pandemic surprised the actor with the covid-19 infection, at a time “when infections were high and vaccination in the world was just beginning.” That would be the start of his accelerated weight loss, he said.

In interview for People in Spanish, Catherine Siachoque assured that she is not very convinced with the appearance of her partner, but that the actor boasts of his thinness as if in tune with pride.

“I am very envious, I can’t with his skinnyness, with his thinness, which also displays it all day in front of me and bothers me, and then he does ‘horses’ and takes off my clothes and puts them on: ‘Oh! I was wrong!’, he says”.

Miguel Varoni published a video dancing to the rhythm of Michael Jackson; he unleashed comments again for his physical change

Months ago, the artist was at the center of different news and publications on digital platforms, after a series of images from an interview he gave to Telemundo came to light., in which he was observed completely changed. In the videos it was detailed that the actor had lost a lot of weight, so his features and appearance were different from what the followers were used to seeing.

However, Varoni drew the attention, once again, of his followers on digital stages with a video that Siachoque shared on his official Instagram account. In these images, replicated by a fan profile, The television celebrity could be seen dancing and recreating choreographies to the rhythm of a Michael Jackson song.

In the clip, the actress was also seen capturing the moment with her camera, while the protagonist of Peter the scaly it moved to the melody of ‘Beat It’, a song that was published in 1982 by the ‘king of pop’. The actor moves his legs, his arms and repeats the lyrics of the song, revealing the surprise expression of his wife.

However, what stood out in the publication were the comments of some people, who once again emphasized the physical change that the artist had. The curious recalled the disease, crossing opinions related to how thin Varoni was and how well he was doing with his recovery of health.

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“I have been impressed with this man, how old and thin he is”, “The covid finished him off”, “He is very thin and looks older, he looks 80 years old”, “But what happened to him”, “He got covid and that disease leaves many sequels, but he is already recovering”, “He seems old, the disease affected him a lot”, “He already looks much more recovered than before”, among other opinions.

Despite the comments that arose, it is clear that the actor continues with his personal process, enjoying the situations and the company of his wife, who supported him from the first moment this complex situation appeared. It is unknown if the video is recent or from some time ago.

Risks and benefits of veganism

Beyond aesthetic considerations, embarking on a vegan diet has benefits, but also risks. This diet completely excludes foods of animal origin, even honey. On the other hand, vegetarians, although they also eliminate products of animal origin, do allow themselves to eat cheese and eggs, but in moderate quantities.

The first thing that should be considered, in the opinion of Leonardo Herrera, a nutritionist, is that any diet, whether vegetarian or not, must “provide enough energy to carry out daily activities and must contain all the nutrients that the body needs, in the adequate amounts”.

And he assured that a well-planned vegetarian diet can perfectly respond to these needs of the human body.

Among the benefits of this type of diet, which Herrera listed, is the considerable reduction in saturated fat. “Unlike people who eat meat, vegetarians generally eat less saturated fat, and in return get more vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, potassium and magnesium, as well as fiber.”

This is the reason why vegetarians have lower levels of LDL cholesterol, as well as lower blood pressure and body mass index (BMI), as is the case with Varoni.

In addition, with this type of diet, vegans and vegetarians have a low risk of chronic diseases and mortality.

Herrera highlighted multiple studies that suggest that consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables “reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer.”. Statistically, it has been shown that vegetarians have a lower incidence of diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.” But the vegan or vegetarian diet also has its risks.

For nutritionist Patricia Muñoz, Those who follow a vegetarian diet and, especially, a vegan diet can see their levels of vitamin D, vitamin B12 and also long-chain polyunsaturated fats of the omega 3 series (EPA and DHA fatty acids) reduced, among other important nutrients for the fulfillment of different functions of the organism.

In addition, the doctor explained, the vegan diet puts the person at risk of suffering fractures, which is why it has important repercussions on bone health. “And it is more complicated if the person who assumes this type of diet is a young person, because as specialists we have noted with concern that they are diets that are starting at increasingly earlier ages.”

The important thing, Muñoz pointed out, is that the vegetarian diet be balanced and varied, including a wide variety of foods that ensure an adequate supply of all nutrients. It should also be considered that it is not a diet that can be started without medical supervision. “In my office I have seen many cases of people who start this diet because it was suggested by an influencer or because of a video they saw on YouTube. And that is a serious mistake because not all organisms respond the same, and before initiating any drastic change in diet, medical examinations must be carried out to corroborate the real state of health of each person”, Munoz said.

The same was advised by Varoni, who maintained that this change in life should not be due only to a matter of vanity: “Veganism is, in reality, a way to learn to be aware of what we eat, of the importance of taking care of our body” .

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