Why is hemp coconut oil so powerful and effective?

2024-08-31 06:14:16

Increased bioavailability of cannabis-coconut oil blend

Some experts believe that combining cannabis with coconut oil can increase the bioavailability of cannabinoids. This means that the absorption and utilization of nutrients by the body’s internal systems will reach a higher level, making this combination particularly effective.

The role of saturated fat in THC extraction

The efficiency of extracting THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, is due to the fact that coconut oil is rich in saturated fat. These fats promote better absorption of cannabinoids by the body. While other fats like butter can also be used to absorb cannabinoids, coconut oil absorbs significantly better, maximizing the therapeutic benefits of cannabis.

Medical approval of cannabis

Marijuana’s medical properties are now widely recognized, and authorities are beginning to recognize its benefits. This herb has been used for centuries around the world to treat a variety of health problems such as inflammation, pain, menstrual cramps, insomnia, swelling, anxiety, depression, and more. Growing recognition of these benefits is paving the way for wider use of cannabis for medical purposes, especially when combined with substances like coconut oil.

Coconut Oil and Cannabis: Healthy and Effective Ways to Consume It

Different ways to consume cannabis

Marijuana can be consumed in a variety of ways, including vaporizing, smoking or ingesting it. Some people also combine cannabis with other foods to maximize its effects. However, consuming cannabis as an infusion of virgin coconut oil appears to be the healthiest and easiest way to use it medicinally. This method allows for optimal assimilation of cannabinoids while benefiting from the beneficial properties of coconut oil.

Benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil, like cannabis, has many health benefits. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in commercial skin and hair care products. In particular, virgin and organic coconut oil can help improve digestion and strengthen the immune system. It contains fatty acids such as caprylic, capric, and lauric acid, which are known for their antifungal, antimicrobial, and antimicrobial properties. These properties make it an ideal support for the administration of cannabinoids, thereby optimizing the therapeutic effect of the mixture.

Preparation and Use of Cannabis Coconut Oil

Combined therapeutic properties

The combination of coconut oil and cannabis creates a powerful remedy that can be consumed with food, taken in capsule form, or applied topically. Just use half a teaspoon of coconut oil and a few drops of medicinal cannabis to significantly increase the effectiveness of your treatment. This blend harnesses the synergistic properties of both substances to enhance beneficial health effects.

How to Prepare Cannabis Coconut Oil

To make cannabis coconut oil, you just need to follow a simple process. Use 1 gram of decarboxylated hemp per 30 ml of virgin coconut oil. Decarboxylation is the process of activating cannabinoids in cannabis, making them more potent. To do this, place the crushed cannabis buds in a glass jar, add coconut oil and close the lid tightly. Place the jar in a saucepan filled with water and heat slowly, keeping the temperature below the boiling point for 60 minutes to preserve the properties of the oil.

Once you’ve completed this step, use a sieve to strain the mixture and remove any solids, making sure to extract all the juice from the cannabis. Some people prefer to use cheesecloth for more efficient filtration, ensuring maximum purity of the resulting oil.

Using Coconut Oil in Cannabis

Once the oil is prepared, it can be consumed directly, added to other foods, or used as a lotion. You can also cook with this oil, as long as the temperature does not exceed 157°C, which is the boiling point of the active compounds in cannabis. This is because higher temperatures can cause the beneficial effects of the oil to be lost, making the treatment less effective. Whether used in cooking, applied topically, or ingested directly, hemp coconut oil offers remarkable versatility and efficacy in treating a variety of ailments.


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