Why eat arrowroot? Benefits and uses

What is arrowroot?

The arrowroot is part of the starch family, in the same way as those of maize and potato. Its white powder is extracted from rhizome de la marante (maranta arundinacea), a tropical plant that grows mainly in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Guyana, but also in the West Indies and India. It is characterized by straight and high stems of about one meter. Its leaves can be green or variegated with creamy white.

A touch of history

The arrowroot “arrowroot” in English, owes its name to the Native Americans of South America: the Arawaks. The latter used it to extract poison from the wounds caused by the arrows sent by their enemies. Nowadays, the arrowroot has above all a culinary connotation:

Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist: We use its starch, called “arrowroot”, to thicken or bind preparations: sauces, desserts… In addition to bringing a touch of exoticism to recipes, we must take into account its appearance. health: it is, among other things, gluten-free, anti-inflammatory and low in calories.

Son thickening agent also allows you to use it in cosmetics for making balms and creams. We will come back to this below.

Arrowroot, what are its health benefits?

The arrowroot powder is interesting for its prebiotic side. It contains, in fact, a variety of fibers that help nourish the intestinal microbiota and support natural defenses. “Arrowroot will therefore be particularly recommended for people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)”, explains the dietician-nutritionist. This is probably why the arrowroot is also sometimes called “ stomach dressing and that in Martinique its starch is sometimes incorporated into food preparations for infants with fragile intestines. This does not exempt you from taking medical advice.

“Arrowroot is also a good option for celiac patients since it is gluten-free”, continues the health practitioner.

Arrowroot starch also acts as anti-inflammatory. Combined with coconut oil, it can be applied on sore gums. On this subject, several books offer recipes for soothing treatments for the mouth, such as that of Janice Cox (source 2).

The arrow-root also makes it possible to bring a source of energy long duration. As the dietetics specialist explains: “In its composition, there are carbohydrates (85%) and vitamins, including:

  • the antioxidant vitamin A;
  • vitamin B, essential for the regulation of the nervous system;
  • invigorating vitamin C.

And also calcium, magnesium, iron and a little copper.”

Be careful, however, not to take arrowroot for a superfood: “Arrowroot is only a starch and not a raw food to be consumed in its own right. To cover the body’s real needs, it would be necessary to take it in large quantities and daily, which does not really make sense here”, nuances the practitioner.

She adds: “On the other hand, his slimming asset is size. Arrowroot has a lower glycemic index than corn, so it will be better to favor the first. “It also contains few calories: 65 kcal per 100 g (source 2).

What are the differences between arrowroot and cornstarch (Maïzena)?

While arrowroot powder and cornstarch are effective thickeners, they have different characteristics. For example, they react differently to heat. Arrowroot tends to break down when cooked over high heat, so it is best to use it at the end of cooking as it thickens quickly without the need to boil (creams , blanks…). In comparison, cornstarch can be cooked at high temperatures for a long time. Ideal for making meringues.

Another major difference between the two, the composition : “If both are normally gluten-free, be careful with cornstarch. Indeed, some brands are not considered reliable for people with celiac disease”, adds Alexandra Murcier.

How to use arrowroot in the kitchen?

  • Pour thicken and thicken sauces, soups, creams, flans… In order to avoid lumps, however, remember to dilute the powder beforehand in cold water before integrating it into your hot preparation.
  • The arrowroot will also be used to lighten certain preparations such as cakes. It will then suffice to replace a third of “classic” flour with arrowroot powder.
  • It will also allow make lighter breadings : vegetable fries, tofu cubes, chicken nuggets, among others.

Inspiration from elsewhere: “the rouroute”

The people of Réunion are so fond of arrowroot that they use it as the main ingredient in pastry shop. Among their emblematic recipes: “the Rouroute sweets”, kinds of whitish biscuits.

Recipe idea: pastry flan with arrowroot

For 6 persons (source 3)

1 puff pastry, 1 liter of milk, 190 cane sugar, 120 g arrowroot, 3 whole eggs + 3 yolks, 1 vanilla pod

  • Spread the dough in the mold to miss. Prick with a fork.
  • Pour 80 cl of milk into a saucepan with the sugar and the vanilla pod cut in half and bring to the boil.
  • Meanwhile, mix the remaining 20 cl of milk with the sifted arrowroot and the eggs
  • Pour the boiling mixture over the mixture with the eggs while beating with a whisk.
  • Return the pan to low heat and allow to thicken, stirring gently with a wooden spoon.
  • Pour everything over the dough.
  • Bake in the oven (in the bottom of the oven) preheated to 180°C for 40 minutes.
  • Taste it, it’s worth the detour!

Arrowroot in cosmetics, what about it?

For its properties soothing and healingarrowroot powder is an ingredient that is frequently found in cosmetics in creams, masks, but also in beauty gels.

It is especially for its matifying virtues that arrowroot can be incorporated into certain make-up powders, eye shadows, blushers, etc. When applied to the hair, it will also help absorb excess sebum (source 4).

Arrowroot is also sometimes found in the composition of certain natural deodorants.

Indicative dosages for DIY recipes (Do It Yourself)

  • 10 to 20% for incorporation into cream or milk
  • 10 to 50% in a powder mix
  • 1 to 10% in a balm

If arrowroot powder makes it possible to make different preparations, note thathowever, it is insoluble in oil but partially soluble in water, when stirred.

Where can I find arrowroot powder?

You will find it especially in grocery stores and organic stores. “The best thing is to favor an arrowroot from fair trade because organic labels from Latin America, for example, are not always a guarantee of quality,” says Alexandra Murcier.

What is the price ?

This ingredient from elsewhere is sold at an affordable price in France: count on average between 10 and 14 euros for a kilo.

How to keep it?

“Ideally, protected from air, humidity and heat. Remember to close the container well after each use,” recommends the nutritionist.

What is gluten-free and can replace arrowroot?

If you have trouble finding arrowroot, you can fall back to the tapioca starch which is similar to arrowroot, by its gluten-free side.

Can you make arrowroot powder yourself?

Unless you live on the other side of the Atlantic, it will be difficult to obtain the maranta arundinacea plant, a basic element for making starch. However, if you find some, you can take inspiration from the following process to transform it into powder:

Soak the rhizomes (perennial underground stems) in hot water. Then peel them to remove their fibrous skin. Cut them and pound them to obtain a pulp (this step helps to detach the starch from the fibrous components). Then wash the pulp and pass it through a sieve before drying it and grinding it into a powder.

Contraindications around arrowroot

“Except for particular allergies, there are no notorious contraindications to using arrowroot except perhaps the ethical aspect, since we are moving away from “local consumption”, explains Alexandra Murcier.

Arrowroot: is it allowed during pregnancy?

Yes, this starch is authorized for pregnant women. “There vitamine B12 it contains is even beneficial for the fetus : it participates in its development and helps to prevent a congenital malformation”, underlines Alexandra Murcier. A medical opinion will however be advised before taking it.

You will have understood it, if the arrowroot powder is not very revolutionary, it has above all the merit of being with double advantage; gluten-free (in cooking) and exotic (in cosmetics). More than to try!

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