Why Does Your Funny Bone Hurt? Exploring the Electric-like Pain and Nerve Anatomy

2023-10-11 08:44:43

‘Funny bone’ in English… It’s not actually a bone, but a place where nerves pass.

Entered 2023.10.11 17:44 Views 343 Entered 2023.10.11 17:44 Modified 2023.10.11 20:13 Views 343

If you hit your elbow hard, it hurts like electricity. In some cases, the pain is so severe that it brings tears to your eyes. Another area that we frequently bump into secretly, even though we know it hurts, is the elbow. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]“evil! Aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahah”

This is an otherworldly pain that cannot be expressed in words. I just hit my elbow, but it hurts like electricity went through my head. The pain goes away within a few minutes, but the pain is so severe that it brings tears to my eyes. As I move my arms frequently, the elbow is another area that I often bump into.

Are there any pain-causing cells distributed in this area? Why does it hurt so much? We looked into the medical reasons for the unusually electric-like pain through data from the American science media outlet ‘Live Science.’

The answer is actually simple. This is because the place that was hit was not a bone but a ‘nerve’. To understand the cause of this discomfort, we need to look at a few important parts of human anatomy.

First of all, the part in question is ‘Funny bone’ in English. The literal translation is ‘funny bone’. If you look at this statement, it does not refer to bones that actually exist. It is a general term for the ulnar nerve, the main nerve of the arm. It’s even more fun when you find out why it’s called ‘Funny Bone’. The humerus, the bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow, is ‘humeus’ in English. The pronunciation is almost similar to ‘humorous’. It means funny. It is located on this bone, and ironically, when it hits it, it causes pain that is close to laughter. Accordingly, ‘humor’ was added to the name ‘Funny Bone’.

The reason why funny bones make you cry… Because of the nerve structure of the elbow

The pain that ‘Funny Bone’ brings brings tears to my eyes. It is also the starting point of pain that feels like an electric shock. The funny bone, or nerves of this arm, pass through the spine and down the bones of the neck, shoulders, and elbows.

After passing the elbow, this nerve passes through the ulna (the bone on the ring finger side of the arm) and the radius (the bone on the thumb side of the arm) and follows to the wrist. The ulnar nerve is responsible for transmitting information from the fingertips to the brain and back once more. In particular, the senses of the little finger and ring finger are input to the brain, and by allowing this, some movements of the hand are controlled.

Most of the nerves in this area are protected by bone, muscle, and fat. However, as it passes through the elbow, the nerve passes through a small passage called the curbital tunnel. As it passes through this space, the nerve continues from the elbow to where the radius and ulna meet, passing next to the bony hook. This is a very sensitive area.

Dr. Dominic King, an orthopedic sports medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic in the U.S., said, “When the nerve passes through a bony tunnel in the elbow, it is exposed. When the nerve between the elbow bones is pressed by a hard surface, this puts pressure on the nerve, causing an electric shock. “It causes pain,” he explained.

In other words, when a sudden shock is applied to the ulnar nerve, pain occurs and spreads to the arm and hand where the nerve is extended. This phenomenon gives the feeling of electricity passing through. It can also cause a strange feeling of paralysis. This is called unchi pain.

“Nerves are what allows us to feel everything in our body,” Dr. King explained. “The nerve in the arm is one of the largest nerves located very close to the skin, causing more severe nerve pain.”

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