“Why Does Wallonia Pay More for Tap Water than Brussels? Explained.”

2023-04-24 06:07:00

Virginie lives in Wallonia. She noticed that she paid more for tap water than in Brussels. She doesn’t understand why. Is there a good explanation for this price difference?

In fact, the difference does not come from the water itself. It comes from the service which consists of bringing the water to your tap or your shower.

Before reaching your home, this water must be treated and transported. So there is infrastructure that exists and that costs money: pumping stations, treatment stations, reservoirs and pipelines.

And all of these facilities cost more or less depending on the number of inhabitants and households they serve.

A more profitable network in Brussels

Concretely, given the density, it is in Brussels that the network is the most profitable. In Wallonia, the houses are more spaced out, so transport and delivery are more expensive.

To fully understand, a figure from the SWDE, the Walloon Water Company: it takes 6 times more pipes in Wallonia than in Brussels for the water to reach everyone.

The cost also varies with the nature of the soil. In Wallonia, we have rockier, more hilly soils. It also costs more to install pipes in these conditions than on flat ground.

And then, the price of water also depends on the number of catchment sites required, which are much more numerous in Wallonia.

#water #expensive #Wallonia #Brussels



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