Why does herpes pop up on the lips and how to treat it

Infection with herpes usually occurs in childhood, it is inactive for most of life, but exacerbations sometimes occur. On the air regarding the danger of infection and how to treat it “Lifehacker Podcast”.

Why does herpes appear on the lips?

Among the causes of painful pimples are the following:

  1. injuries and diseases, for example, SARS;
  2. stress and overwork;
  3. hormonal changes, such as PMS and weakened immunity;
  4. UV and wind exposure.

Where else can he appear?

There are two types of herpes simplex virus: one appears on the lips, the second – on the genitals. In both cases, ulcers and blisters appear on the skin.

“Sometimes the first type of virus also leads to rashes in intimate places. In general, herpes lives in the nervous tissue, and therefore it is able to appear wherever there are nerves. It is easiest for him on the mucous membranes, so the internal organs and the oral cavity may suffer, ”says the host of the podcast.

If herpes has passed into the active phase, it is better to temporarily change contact lenses for glasses.

What is the danger of herpes?

Herpes provokes chickenpox, lichen, and sometimes even oncological pathologies. Rashes can lead to the following complications:

  1. finger infections. This happens in children who put their hands in their mouths and bite their nails;
  2. the formation of scars in the eyes, which impairs vision;
  3. encephalitis. If the immune system is weakened, herpes can lead to inflammation in the brain.

In people suffering from dermatological diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, the virus can spread on the skin.

How to treat?

The therapist will advise the patient on antiviral tablets and ointments, as well as painkillers and anesthetic creams. Means that will kill the virus in the body completely, does not exist.

Until the end of the inflammatory process, it is not recommended to eat spicy, sour, salty. If the bubble bursts and dirt or food remains get into the wound, healing will take a long time. In addition, it is worth giving up lipstick and aggressive hygiene products for a while.

“If herpes on the lips appears more than nine times a year, then the doctor will prescribe antiviral pills that will have to be taken regularly. If sunlight seems to cause a relapse, then you need to apply an agent to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation before going outside. Also, experts recommend using moisturizing lip balms or creams with zinc oxide, ”the podcast said.

How not to infect others?

Doctors recommend washing your hands every time you touch an inflammation, and not giving anyone personal ointments, creams and lipsticks. It is better to eat from separate dishes, and give up kissing and oral sex for a while.



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