Why Does Diabetes Cause Weight Loss? Discover the Reason with Hossam Mowafi

2023-07-10 11:30:00

02:30 PM Monday, July 10, 2023

How does diabetes cause weight loss? Hossam Mowafi reveals the reason

I wrote – Asmaa Morsi

Diabetes is a chronic disease that many people suffer from, and its symptoms may be very subtle at times, so that patients do not realize that they have it, but do you know why it causes excessive weight loss?

In this regard, Dr. Hossam Mowafi, a professor of critical care medicine at Kasr Al-Ainy, said during the presentation of the program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, broadcast on “Sada Al-Balad” channel: “A diabetic patient loses a lot of weight, despite the very high appetite.”

And he continued: “A diabetic patient is almost prohibited from eating, so the specialist doctor is advised to follow some instructions and eat foods that are low in calories, which do not cause harm to him and help him get full, such as cucumbers or a salad dish before eating.”

Regarding the reason why the patient loses weight despite eating a lot: “Insulin has two functions. The first is to enter and transport glucose from the blood into the cell. For this reason, a diabetic patient suffers from high levels of sugar in the blood, because he does not have the insulin that enters the cell.”

He added: “At the same time, the patient is very tired, because he feels hunger from the brain, and gets satisfied through a signal from the brain, and for this to happen he needs insulin to transport glucose, because the brain is the most consuming organ of the brain, and due to the lack of insulin in patients with diabetes, the brain does not realize its needs for hunger.” satiety, and then the patient eats a lot.

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He explained: “While the second function of insulin is the hormone responsible for building fat, so a diabetic patient loses a lot of weight, because he does not have the hormone responsible for building fat in the body.”

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