why do you feel like your phone is vibrating?

“Phantom vibration syndrome”: what is it exactly?

Take your phone out of your pocket – Source: spm

You are chatting quietly with friends and suddenly you feel that your Android or iOS mobile phone starts to vibrate, in your bag or in your pants pocket. Nothing might be more banal: you immediately check the screen of your mobile. And there, surprise, there is nothing to report. No call, no message, not even any notification from any application like WhatsApp. However, you were convinced that you felt a vibration in your leg. Anxiety assails you: are you going crazy? Do not panic, madness does not await you, there is a tangible explanation behind this phenomenon.

According to the portal La Tercera, this sensation has even been baptized by the scientific community as the ” phantom vibration syndrome “. Said like that, it’s not very reassuring, do you think. And you are not at the end of your surprises: a recent study carried out at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) affirms that the majority of cell phone users experience these similar effects. According to one of the authors, Dr. Robert Rosenberger, who mainly studies the impact of technology on our behavior, it has become very common to have the illusion that his mobile vibrates for no apparent reason. He gives a conclusive example: If you’re used to your glasses and they’re part of your everyday life, you almost forget you’re wearing them. With the phone in the pocket, it’s somewhat similar. With learned body habits, this device becomes a part of your body. The mind is then automatically accustomed to perceiving the vibrations of an incoming call or an SMS. People perceive other sensations like movement of clothes due to muscle spasms as vibrations from their mobile phone, but that’s just a hallucination “, did he declare. Yes, you read correctly, these vibrations do not really exist!

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But don’t worry, this phenomenon is very widespread: the American study, which was carried out on a group of students, revealed that almost 90% of them feel these “phantom vibrations”, at least a times every two weeks. And, to reassure you further, know that these false alarms are neither painful nor embarrassing. Of course, it’s not very encouraging either, but what do you want, new technologies are the evil of the century! For neurologist Evelyn Benavides, this phenomenon would mainly affect anxious users, of a worried nature and always on the alert who react on the fly. Quite the opposite of carefree, distracted and nonchalant people. ” Often the mobile phone is playing tricks on us. If we apprehend someone’s call with concern, subconsciously we will have the strange feeling that the mobile vibrates or rings, even if it does not. This anticipation occurs in our brain. It happens because he stays alert and waits for something to happen.“, she explained to the La Tercera portal.

A phone on the desk

A phone on the desk – Source: spm

For his part, Dr. Larry Rosen, professor at California State University, evokes a somewhat disconcerting term: “iDisorders”. It thus refers to the negative consequences of new technologies on our mental health. We are now so anxious that we interpret a simple signal from the neurons located below our pocket as an incoming call, when it can only be a banal itch.…” he said.

Go hop, no need to be an expert to understand that it is time to react and put the kibosh on our frequency of use. Our Smartphone, we certainly love it, but not so much that it drives us crazy! To avoid falling into the trap, a little disconnection would be welcome. So take a break and step away from him. It’s very simple: you just have to mute the sound, leave it in the room during dinner, keep it in the drawer when you do the dishes or when you watch your favorite series. In addition, you will see, if only for a moment, you will feel free and relieved!

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Even better, Dr. Larry Rosen says that simply spending a few minutes away from the smartphone allows you to “reset” your brain. Can you imagine a little? By physically separating yourself from your motive, it will force you to rest your mind and concentrate better. Thus, precisely, you will be more apt to think before reacting. In other words, each time you feel a possible vibration, you will have the reflex to tell yourself that your mobile is not around. And little by little, following a while, your own brain will no longer focus on the vibrations and you will no longer feel them.

Another trick to do: get into the habit of placing your Smartphone face up, whether on the table or the desk. So, every once in a while, glancing at the screen will make you aware of its location and it will reduce your anxiety. From there, if a possible vibration arises unexpectedly, you will not feel the need to check your pocket. Since, obviously, your mobile is not there!

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