Why do we wear a rosary? – What do his knots symbolize?

Why do we wear a rosary? – What do his knots symbolize?

The rosary that all Orthodox monks have and that many Orthodox lay people also use is usually woolen and braided in various sizes.

From very small, worn on the finger, to very large: 33 count (with 33 knots), 50 count (with 50 knots), 100 count, 500 count, etc.

According to tradition, Saint Pachomios in 320 AD, with the help of Saint Anthony, founded the first monastery in Thebes, Egypt. He began to look for a way that would help the monks in the self-concentration of prayer and in counting the wishes.

According to tradition, the Archangel Gabriel visited Saint Pachomius in his sleep and showed him how to make the tool that would serve the needs of prayer.

This tool was the rosary.

In praying with a rosary, which helps a lot in concentrating the mind, a specific technical method is followed.

At each knot that passes between his fingers, the person praying says the wishes one after the other: Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, Most Holy Theotokos Save us, Saints of God intercede for you.

It is possible to say only the wish Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. The rosary is designed for prayer, and not to play the role of a bracelet on the wrist.

In the rosary, each part of it has some symbolic meaning. It is woven mainly of wool to remind the members of the Church that they are the rational sheep of Jesus Christ (John 10:11).

It has a black color that symbolizes the mourning of sins since “no one is without sin” (cf. 3 Kings 8:46, Job 4:17, Rom. 3:9-12 etc.). On it the rosary has the cross to bring to memory “that because we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5.

Usually the rosary ends in a tassel whose purpose is to wipe away tears (“wet my feet with tears” Luke 7:44).

The 33 knots symbolize the years of Jesus Christ, the 99 knots are 33 multiplied by the number of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, and each knot consists of 9 braided crosses, symbolizing the nine orders of angels.

Source: ekklisiaonline.gr

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