Why do we feel bad when we are hungry?

2024-08-22 14:52:27

If you have watched animated movies Vice versa 2you may have identified with the protagonist who suffers from anxiety issues and their consequences. But in many other situations, our negative emotions are expressed in exaggerated ways and cause us to, as we say, “put our feet in the problem.”

For example, who hasn’t said something rude during a long work meeting because they haven’t eaten yet at lunch? Let’s look at why the body plays these tricks on us.

body needs glucose

when we are hungry, Emotions such as fatigue, confusion, or anger Show it. This phenomenon is due to the presence of sugar, more precisely glucose, in the blood. Once its rate drops, our body triggers series of answers to restore it.

Chemical structure of glucose molecule. Math City/Pixabay, copy

But what role does glucose exactly play and why is it so important? This type of sugar is the main source of energy for the cells that make up all of our organs. For example, the brain is almost entirely dependent on sugar intake. without him, Composed of 100 billion nerve cells Unable to perform work at its best.

If the brain doesn’t get enough glucose, we feel weak, irritable, dizzy, and have difficulty concentrating. In extreme cases (especially the situation Severe hypoglycemia in diabetic patientsEditor’s Note), when sugar intake is insufficient for a long time, we could slip into a coma.

Cortisol, the puppet of emotions

These symptoms signal to us that we need to eat to restore blood sugar levels. This is the highway for different nutrients to reach their destination: the cells scattered throughout our bodies. In this case, a series of physiological reactions occur.

At a molecular level, different hormones are released. one of them, Gray Laneare produced and enter the circulation through gastric cells. This natural substance stimulates appetite and ensures that the body obtains energy from food intake.

Although neglected to explain why we don’t eat, ghrelin simultaneously and indirectly stimulates the production of stress-related hormones. cortisol It is produced by the adrenal glands.

To increase blood sugar levels, cortisol promotes a process called Glucogenase. This is based on the breakdown of fatty acids and proteins stored in the liver to produce glucose. This process rapidly provides energy to the body.

Cortisol is present in the blood during starvation Affect brain functionacting as a puppeteer. It alters levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with positive emotions and the perception of stress. The result of these combined effects is that when we’re hungry, we feel more irritable or angry than usual.

Humans aren’t the only ones who have this reaction. in a Zebrafish behavioral studiesResearchers found that these animals also become aggressive when hungry.

Behavior shaped by evolution

As we’ve seen, our emotions are the result of many biochemical interactions, and at the heart of this dance is a hormone that we haven’t discussed yet. You’ve probably mentioned it at some point in your life, especially when it comes to extreme sports. You guessed it, adrenaline.

Like cortisol, adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands and is associated with stressful situations. She because Its role in the “fight or flight” response This is a physiological response to a threat. In the case of hunger, both adrenaline and cortisol affect our mood, making us angrier or irritable.

We think there is a Explanations related to species evolution : When humans were hunter-gatherers, in order to survive when food was scarce—and therefore compete with competitors for those resources—people benefited from aggression.

Today, while we no longer compete for food in the same way, understanding how the body responds to hunger can help us manage our emotions. If you find yourself starting to feel angry or irritable, remember that these may be effects of fasting.

Carrying healthy snacks will not only keep you energized but also help you feel more balanced. What if you prepare something lighter before you get hungry?

#feel #bad #hungry



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