Why do some people lose weight as they age?

2023-08-04 17:08:00

Why do we lose weight with age?

“From a biological point of view, aging is the product of the accumulation of a wide range of molecular and cellular damage over time. This results in a progressive deterioration of physical and mental capacities, an increase in the risk illnesses and, finally, death” points out the WHO point blank (source 1). From this constant, aging can therefore explain a weight problem, whether it is excess or insufficient. “With age, the metabolism weakens and for a host of factors (living environment, eating habits, intensity of physical activity, etc.), some people will lose weight. This weight loss may also result in a loss of fat, muscle and/or bone mass” explains Dr. Alexandra Dalu, anti-aging doctor. She adds: “Losing pounds as you age is not inevitable, that will really depend on each individual.” In short: a 60-year-old person might, for example, note a loss of 10 kilos as they age when another of the same age will have a stable weight (at 5 kilos +/- close to their weight at 40 ).

What can be the causes of weight loss in the elderly?

Biological factors. Physiological changes of aging can impair nutritional status: “As we age, sensory impairments, such as decreased sense of taste or smell, or both, can lead to decreased appetite and thirst and therefore sometimes weight loss” illustrates Dr. Alexandra Dalu.

“The decrease in cognitive functions can limit mobility and affect the ability of the elderly to do their shopping and therefore to prepare balanced meals, but also quite simply to move around. They will therefore have less appetite due to their less physical activity. ” illustrates the anti-aging doctor, Alexandra Dalu.

“Poor oral health and dental problems can lead to difficulty chewing, inflammation of the gums and a monotonous diet of poor quality can also increase weight loss” recalls the WHO in its report on aging and health ( source 2).

Beyond biological alterations, aging may also be associated with psychosocial and environmental changes, such as isolation, loneliness (loss of more loved ones due to advanced age), depression or lack of financial resources, which can also have significant impacts on people’s nutrition and weight loss.

What are the main health risks of losing weight with age?

Thinness in people of a certain age can weaken the metabolism at different levels. “One of the main risks is osteoporosis, a bone disease characterized by deterioration of bone tissue” and sarcopenia, which is characterized by a decrease in muscle mass and strength beyond a certain threshold” indicates Dr. Alexandra Dalu, specialist in morphological and anti-aging medicine.These factors then risk weakening elderly individuals who risk losing their balance and falling, going so far as to fracture part of their body.With the sometimes disastrous consequences that may result from this: depression because it is impossible or difficult to move (going to the garden, shopping, etc.).

“Older people in a state of thinness may also be more sensitive to dehydration, hypothermia and hyperthermia (source 2).

Is it possible to reverse the weight curve with age and how?

Good news ! In many situations, it’s never too late to reverse the trends and that goes for weight management, of course. “Provided of course that you take charge with courage, at this age a simple desire to want to correct weight problems will not be enough. Moreover, it will be advisable to consider multidimensional care” specifies Dr. Alexandra Dalu. To know :

Adapted diet : “Some elderly people think that breakfast a slice of butter accompanied by a tea is sufficient to cover their energy needs in relation to their daily expenses but not for lack of creating certain deficiencies in nutrients (vitamins, minerals…)” warns Dr. Alexandra Dalu. Lack of appetite, energy and protein intake by taking oral nutritional supplements (ONCs) may then be offered. These can be found in pharmacies, in the form of drinks, yogurts or soups with various flavors (salty, sweet) Please note that NOCs should not replace meals and should be taken as a snack and outside of meals and preferably on medical prescription.

Increase physical activity. Far from it the idea of ​​starting to run the marathon 60 years ago, no! “However, age, unless there are medical contraindications, should not be a hindrance to getting in motion” insists Dr. Alexandra Dalu, anti-aging doctor And it is not the ideas that are lacking to take action ; starting with reducing the time spent in front of the television, getting up more on the pretext of going to put away a book or moving an object, for example. But also, ( once more) start taking the stairs rather than the elevator. What if you’re afraid of falling? “Take the steps of your residence or public spaces, these are places of passage in case you fall” reassures Dr. Alexandra Dalu.
Not to mention the pet! Ideal for empowering yourself and forcing yourself to take it out several times a day (if it’s a dog). “In addition to getting some fresh air, the walk will thus help to maintain muscle strength” specifies Dr. Alexandra Dalu who adds: “In case of difficulty, do not hesitate to use a cane or walker, they are made for that. »
If necessary, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your attending physician, who can assess your physical condition and guide the appropriate type of physical activity.

Finally, to get help, the elderly can also count on the support from social workersthe departmental center for people with disabilities (MDPH) (whose mission is to inform and support people under 60), the municipal center for social action (CCAS) or the ADMR in rural areas.

What should I do if the state of thinness worsens (extreme malnutrition)?

“In the event of failure of dietary measures and overall health care, the attending physician may, if he deems undernutrition dangerous, place the patient in a hospital setting for the establishment of enteral nutrition (thanks to to a probe placed in the stomach or the small intestine) and if this is impossible, parenteral nutrition by administration of nutritive solutions by venous route might be envisaged ”recalls the site of Public Health (source 3).

How to prevent and diagnose weight loss with age?

In order not to arrive at this situation of extreme undernutrition, it will therefore be essential to prevent thinness and to diagnose it as soon as possible. To do this, and although the eye allows in many cases to note that a person is losing weight (too loose clothes, thinness of the limbs, loss of energy…), in-depth evaluations to evaluate the metabolism exist :

Anthropometric measurement: “It is the universally applicable and non-invasive technique, which makes it possible to evaluate the corpulence, the proportions and the composition of the human body in order to prevent in adults over 60 years of age, for example: underweight”. Anthropometric measurements are a reflection of nutritional and health status, but can also be used to predict the aptitudes, health status and survival of the patient” recalls the WHO in an online report (source 4).
Blood tests : they will be useful for checking hormone levels during menopause and andropause, among others. Hormones that can influence weight management.
Diet assessment: the general practitioner will be able to assess the patient’s weight using a test. And if there are various available on the internet, it will still be advisable to do so with your doctor who will be able to draw a medical diagnosis, taking into account the size, age, genetics , the medical history or the level of physical activity of the patient.

BOX: How to detect malnutrition in the elderly, over 70?

The diagnosis of undernutrition beyond the age of 70 requires the presence of at least: 1 phenotypic criterion and 1 etiological criterion.

Phenotypic criteria:

  • weight loss ≥5% in 1 month or ≥ 10% in 6 months or ≥10% compared to the usual weight before the onset of the disease;
  • IMC
  • Confirmed sarcopenia (source 4)

Etiological criteria: (1 single criterion is sufficient)

  • reduction in food intake ≥ 50% for more than 1 week, or any reduction in intake for more than 2 weeks compared to usual food consumption or protein-energy requirements;
  • reduced absorption (malabsorption/poor digestion);
  • pathological situation (with or without inflammatory syndrome)

Ultimately: since weight loss is most often multifactorial in the elderly, it is strongly advised to take medical advice if signs of thinness appear.

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