Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

Summer is the season for mosquitoes. Yet, although I spend most of mine in the forests of northern Wisconsin (USA), I manage to return home unscathed. Not everyone is so lucky, because lo and behold, mosquitoes have their preferences. But why do they sting some people more than others?

We must first talk regarding their main target: the sang. Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes do not feed on animal blood. In fact, only females bite, and this for reproductive needs. However, the scientists discovered that they have a favorite blood type.

In 2004, a study showed that they were more attracted to people with blood group O. This was confirmed by another study, carried out in 2019: mosquitoes, if given the choice, showed a preference for universal donors.

Attracted by some
body odor

The bacteria present on his skin can also make an individual more or less attractive. Mosquitoes also react to certain body fumes. They have organs called maxillary palps which allow them to detect carbon dioxide emitted by their prey. So if you’re a strong gasser, so to speak, you’re likely to please them. (This is also why the pregnant women are mosquito magnets: according to studies, they would emit regarding 21% more CO2).

The substances released by the sweatas’ammonia and theLactic acid, also seem popular. Individual differences in attractiveness might have a genetic origin. Researchers have confirmed this hypothesis in a study of twinsproduced in 2015.

Certain circumstantial factors might also play a role. Although odors are their main guide, the visual system rather sketchy of mosquitoes is used for them to detect potential targets. So bright colors will (also) attract the attention of these dear critters.

Another unexpected culprit: the beer. As the entomologist Grayson Brown explained to CBS News in 2016the reason is unclear, but the following hypothesis can be advanced: “alcohol raises the body temperature of drinkers and makes them sweat more” et “the C02 that escapes from a bottle of beer when it is opened might also attract them”. What if, therefore, sobriety was a natural mosquito repellent?



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