Why do I often get sick? Actually because of eating the wrong thing!Doctors expose ‘fake health food’ as culprit for chronic inflammation

arts/EarYouhuo Health Network

Are you a person who is often sick? It may be your “immune system”! American functional medicine physician and immunologist Heather. Heather Moday, “Why Do You Get Sick Easily?” “, in a simple and easy-to-understand way, explains the operation of the immune system, the mechanism of inflammation and the methods of preventing inflammation, helping readers repair the immune system and return to a healthy body. The following is an excerpt from the original book:

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Getting to the Roots of Inflammation

The inner workings of the immune system, and the inflammatory response, are incredibly complex, but what causes chronic inflammation is actually quite simple, and better yet—almost entirely within your control. Meaning, just by making the changes we discuss in this book, you can give your immune system a boost and minimize the risk of chronic inflammation and immune system distraction.

Life’s useless inflammatory responses often depend on what we decide to put in our mouths. Every day you choose what to eat on the other end of the chopsticks, some will cause inflammation, others will slow down. When it comes to food, some of the biggest sources of inflammation include:

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Unhealthy Oils:Foods high in certain fats, such as industrial seed oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, should be avoided, including soybean oil, canola oil (canola oil), sunflower oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil , “vegetable oil”, safflower oil, peanut oil, and grapeseed oil. We’ve been taught for years to get more of these polyunsaturated, omega-6-rich vegetable oils, but newer data shows they’re extremely unstable and linked to inflammatory disease.
Instead, we should focus on healthy fats found in whole foods, such as nuts and seeds, olive oil, organic coconut oil, and wild fish. And, while saturated fat has been demonized for years as one of the leading causes of heart disease and may raise total cholesterol in some people, we now know that certain saturated fats, whether they come from coconut Or eggs, you can include them in a healthy diet, as long as the oil sources are high-quality and organic, and you don’t overconsume them.

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Trans fat:These oils are synthesized from liquid oils to solid oils. You can find them in shortenings like Crisco white, margarine. It’s found in many snack foods like cookies, pizza, fast food, and even peanut butter! Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol and insulin, and lower good HDL cholesterol. Trans fats are associated with an increase in many diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, colorectal cancer and diabetes.

sugar:Without a doubt, if you’re trying to do one thing to reduce your body’s inflammatory response, I’d recommend eliminating as much excess sugar as possible from your diet in all its forms, including the obvious ones: candy, soda, and bread and cakes high fructose syrup and sucrose. There are also some so-called “healthy foods” that are also shockingly high in sugar, such as crispy cereal, protein bars, yogurt, vegan and gluten-free breads and cakes, and fruit juices.
Studies have linked added sugar to heart disease, obesity, diabetes and fatty liver disease. Even refined carbohydrates like pasta, white flour, bread, and other starches can turn into excess glucose in the body, driving inflammation up. This doesn’t mean you should minimize your carbohydrate intake, as doing so can have its own set of problems, such as affecting your mood, sleep, and energy. The golden rule is to focus on fiber-rich, whole plant carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains rather than simple, refined carbohydrates.

too much alcohol:Alcohol has multiple harmful effects on our immune system, including weakening the immune barrier of the digestive tract, damaging the microbial flora, and putting severe oxidative stress on cells. Once the liver breaks down ethanol, it will produce toxins, which over time will lead to the risk of cancer and premature aging.

Chronic Inflammation Isn’t Just About Food

It’s not just food that’s causing chronic inflammation; other serious offenders include:

Excess body fat:One of the most important keys to fighting inflammation is to keep your body in a healthy composition. While it probably doesn’t need me to say much, having too much body fat, especially around your midsection, can make you inflamed. In fact, visceral fat acts like a separate organ, conspiring to unleash a flood of inflammatory cytokines that give you metabolic syndrome.

cigarette:This should go without saying, but even the chemicals in secondhand and even thirdhand smoke are carcinogens. The damage this product does to body tissue leaves us inflamed and constantly in a state of repair.

pressure:Long-term, unmanaged psychological and physical stress increases the release of inflammatory cytokines. People with high levels of physical and mental stress also have higher levels of inflammation. The inflammatory indicator “C-reactive protein” (CRP) in the human body will also increase under high pressure.

lack of sleep:Lack of sleep, or poor quality sleep, is an important factor driving inflammation. Therefore, lack of sleep is also one of the main causes of chronic metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and stroke.

Sedentary:Sitting for long periods of time is like smoking. Humans are born to move, but with our modern lifestyles of commuting, going to work, sitting at desks, glued to screens, we have become sedentary. Prolonged sitting has been linked to IL-6 (an inflammatory cytokine) in men and to type 2 diabetes in women. Reducing sitting time can improve C-reactive protein index in women.

Toxins in the environment:Chemicals in the environment can interfere with the immune system, leading us toward chronic inflammation. Research suggests that exposure to pollution may lead to negative health effects through oxidative stress, as well as changes in inflammation and regulation of the immune system.

Disorders of gastrointestinal flora and leaky gut:When your digestive tract is in trouble, it’s bad news for inflammation throughout your body. Studies have shown that a compromised intestinal mucosal barrier allows undigested food to seep into the bloodstream, causing systemic inflammation.

As you can see, the most common triggers of chronic inflammation are things that are largely within your control. And it’s no coincidence that the immune restoration program you’re regarding to embark on is designed around these factors.

(This article is excerpted from/Why you are prone to illness: Former U.S. President Clinton’s physician recommends! Identify your “immunity type” and the repair plan you need/Yuezhi Culture)

The article is authorized to be reproduced from “UhoYouhuo Health NetworkWhy do I often get sick? Actually because of eating the wrong thing!Doctors expose ‘fake health food’ as culprit for chronic inflammation

further reading
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