“Why Didn’t You Say No” Success: Roland Kaiser Rules Out Another Duet with Maite Kelly

2023-04-29 15:55:36

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Von: Elena Rothammer

With “Why didn’t you say no” Roland Kaiser and Maite Kelly landed an absolute hit – but the fans can’t hope for more supplies from the duo.

Cologne – The song is more than eight years old and yet it brings Roland Kaiser (70) and Maite Kelly (43) more and more success. Their catchy tune “Why didn’t you say no” broke the 150 million mark on YouTube and has now been certified five times gold. But although working together with Maite is a success, Roland rules out ever recording a duet with the former Kelly Family singer again.

Roland Kaiser does not believe in subsequent success with Maite Kelly

In the podcast “With the waffles of a woman” the hit king chatted with Barbara Schöneberger (49) about his hit with Maite Kelly. The positive response to “Why didn’t you say no” still blows him away today. For “Kaisermania”, on the other hand, Roland Kaiser had to take nasty criticism. The singer does not want to try to build on the success with Maite Kelly. It’s over for him – because he thinks another hit of this caliber is impossible.

“I will not sing a duet with her in the future. Because you can’t repeat a success of this quality,” Roland Kaiser clarified in the podcast regarding his collaboration with Maite Kelly. “We just got five gold for the song. That’s crazy. And I can’t repeat that. I’ll do the devil and sing a song with her again, “he emphasized clearly.

More than just a hit star: Roland Kaiser was also an actor

In addition to his successes in the music business, Roland Kaiser has already made a number of trips into the TV business. In 2012 he was in the “Tatort” episode “Summ, Summ, Summ” from Münster and played the hit star Roman König. Together with Axel Prahl he also stood in front of the camera for the ARD tragic comedy “Eisland”. The film will premiere in the summer of 2021 as part of the Munich Film Festival.

Roland Kaiser is convinced of Maite Kelly’s success – even without his help

But there is no bad blood between Maite Kelly and Roland Kaiser. On the contrary: the musician had kind words ready for his colleague and predicted a dazzling future for her – albeit without him. “She’s such a success, the woman. But she likes to go her own way. She doesn’t need me for that,” Roland is convinced.

In the meantime, it was even rumored that Maite Kelly and Roland Kaiser might be dating each other. “Of course we have no relationship,” assured the native of Berlin. On stage, however, the two harmonize all the better. In the “Giovanni Zarrella Show”, however, Maite Kelly had to appear without Roland Kaiser as an exception and received devastating criticism. Sources used: Podigee / “With a Woman’s Waffles”

#sing #duet #Maite #Kelly

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