Why did you marry Mohamed Fouad in secret when he is younger than you? .. Actress Nahla Salama answered without shame and revealed the secret with all boldness!

The artist, Nahla Salama, revealed, during her interview on the “Sheikh Al-Hara and Al-Jari’a” program, earlier, with director Enas Al-Deghaidi, that the artist Ahmed Zaki did not formally ask her to marry.

And she explained the truth of her controversial statement about Ahmed Zaki’s kiss, saying: “I did not say Bassa Ahmed Zaki Raffi… I was talking about kiss scenes in movies and series.”

The artist, Nahla Salama, confirmed that she was married only 4 times, and that she continued for 15 years without marriage, denying her marriage to a person 8 years younger than her, and that she married an unknown businessman in the artistic community, following up: “My marriage permit from Muhammad Fouad is a rumor.”

Nahla Salama revealed her position during her marriage to director Muhammad Khan, saying: “Director Muhammad Khan, during our marriage, refused to direct Ahmed Zaki’s romantic scene with me in the movie “Mr. Karate.”

Commentator: “Because of Leah’s romantic scene with Ahmed Zaki Muhammad Khan, the filming took place and left,” noting that she did not object to the scenes of kisses in photography and films. During the meeting, Ghada Abdel Razek spoke about many secrets of her personal life, her artistic beginning and the concessions she made to enter the field artistic

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