Why did Viktor Orban come to Kyiv – LB.ua news

Photo: EPA/UPG

Viktor Orban and Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference after the meeting in Kyiv

The meeting between Zelenskyi and Orban took place, and the interlocutors called it “an important step for solving the problems accumulated over a long time.” The parties said that they agreed to work on an agreement that would remove bilateral problems and improve relations between the countries.

“The content of our dialogue on all today’s issues can become the basis for a future bilateral document between our states, which will regulate all our relations and will be based on a mirror approach in relations between countries,” Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.

Viktor Orbán, for his part, said that Hungary wants to sign a global cooperation agreement with Ukraine, is ready to support the modernization of the Ukrainian economy and, in general, intends to help during its presidency of the EU Council “in all it can.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Viktor Orban also agreed to open the first Ukrainian school in Hungary. Orban, according to his confession, “with great joy” heard about this initiative of the Ukrainian leader. Its financing is taken over by the Hungarian state.

“Today, Mr. Prime Minister Orbán and I discussed all the most fundamental issues of our neighborly relations: trade, cross-border cooperation, energy issues, today we talked about the humanitarian sphere, everything that concerns the lives of our people in Ukraine and Hungary. In particular, they discussed the opening of the first Ukrainian school in Hungary. The Prime Minister assured support for such a project. Thank you, Viktor,” Zelensky informed journalists.

Photo: OPU

Viktor Orban and Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting in Kyiv

The Hungarian Prime Minister casually noted that the Hungarian national minority lives in Ukraine. “We hope that the issues will be resolved here as well, and I see good chances for that,” Orban stressed.

As you know, the Hungarian side previously called the resolution of the language issue of the national minority in Transcarpathia a condition for personal talks between Orban and Zelensky. In addition, Hungary has been opposing the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine for years, demanding concessions from Kyiv on the issue of national minorities. However, in June, Orbán promised not to block Ukraine’s accession to the EU, although he admitted that he does not generally support its membership.

Of course, they also talked about the war. At the press conference, Viktor Orban said that he asked the Ukrainian president to agree to a ceasefire, and only then to hold peace talks.

“The war in which you live has a very intense effect on the security of Europe. We highly appreciate all of President Zelenskyi’s initiatives to achieve peace. I told Mr. President that these initiatives take a lot of time. It is because of the rules of international diplomacy that they are very complicated. I asked Mr. President to think about whether it is not possible to go a little differently: to stop the fire and then continue the negotiations. A ceasefire could speed up the pace of these negotiations,” Orbán said.

Social networks are already joking that Viktor Orban suggested Volodymyr Zelensky to “just stop shooting.” Orban did not declassify Zelensky’s answer to this, but called the answer frank. According to unofficial information, the President of Ukraine did not like the offer of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

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Oleksandr Merezhko, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Policy and International Cooperation, called this statement “strange, to say the least,” in an interview with LB.ua.

“And he does not apply at the address. Because, if we are talking about a ceasefire, then it is necessary to address not the victim of aggression, but the aggressor. Who does the ceasefire depend on? From the aggressor. That is, according to the logic of things, he should stop the commission of the crime of aggression and, accordingly, act in accordance with international law,” said the People’s Deputy.

At the same time, most political commentators reject the version that Orban came to Kyiv on the instructions of Putin.

Photo: EPA/UPG

Viktor Orban and Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting in Kyiv

“Orbán did not come with any secret messages from Putin, Trump or anyone else. Orbán wants to bargain for a mediator’s place in future negotiations, — believes, in particular, Vadym Denysenko. — And the mediator’s position is important for him for two reasons: firstly, he has serious internal problems with the opposition, which is breathing down his neck (by the way, the opposition avoids the Ukrainian issue). And secondly, he has problems with the EU. The mediator’s position will allow solving both problems.”

According to other commentators, to take decisive measures to improve relations with Kyiv, Orban was forced by the results of the elections to the European Parliament, where Orbán’s Fidesz-KDNP bloc won 11 seats and tried to negotiate with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to join the European Conservatives and Reformists faction. However, the ECR faction in general and Meloni in particular support Ukraine, so they demanded the same from Orban. It was not possible to reach an agreement in time, but Orbán obviously does not lose hope.

Observers cite Hungary’s presidency of the European Union, which began on July 1 and will last until the end of the year, as another factor. Orban has a chance to improve his reputation, but it is important for Ukraine that Hungary does not stick sticks in the wheels of the European integration process. There is hope that the Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Kyiv will promote mutual understanding. At least in the USA this visit was called progress.

Simultaneously the Kremlin saidthat nothing is expected of him. Even more so, because the “ceasefire” plan, beneficial to Russia, failed once again.

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