Why did the UK start considering removing Huawei from 5G networks? The main reason was revealed

Why did the UK start considering removing Huawei from 5G networks? The main reason was revealed

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has started preparations to remove Huawei devices from 5G networks in his country.

According to Bloomberg’s report, Huawei may be excluded from the process of creating 5G networks this year by the British government.

According to the report, Britain’s National Cyber ​​Security Center has concluded that the US sanctions could lead to the Chinese company using untrusted technology, which could pose security risks.

In January this year, Boris Johnson approved Huawei’s role in building the UK’s 5G network, subject to certain conditions.

The approval excluded Huawei from building core parts of 5G networks and was not allowed to operate in sensitive geographic locations.

The approval was given by Britain after the US urged its ally to ban the Chinese company.

It should be noted that the US had blacklisted Huawei in May 2019 and the US President had banned the Chinese company citing national security concerns in an executive order.

The ban was extended for another year in May this year.

Now, according to a new report, British authorities are planning to phase out Huawei kits used in 5G networks, but the timing has not yet been determined.

Similarly, no date has been fixed to discuss this topic in the National Security Council.

Britain’s culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, told Sky News: “If the US imposes sanctions, which it has, we believe it will have a significant impact on the sustainability of Huawei devices, if the policy If a change is necessary, we will make a clear statement in the parliament as to how and when this decision can be made.

Later speaking to LBC radio, he said that the statement regarding Huawei will be given in Parliament before July 22.

#start #removing #Huawei #networks #main #reason #revealed
2024-08-13 06:02:25



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