Why did the business community suggest friendship with India to Shahbaz Sharif? – Pakistan

Pakistani businessmen want relations with India to be restored and trade to be restored as a result. In an analysis, the website of India’s leading journal India Today has said that there is a growing perception in Pakistan that when the whole world, including China, is doing business with India, what is wrong with Pakistan doing so. Pakistan has an advantage in reviving bilateral trade at this time as it needs a strong and favorable external trade to support the developing economy.

According to the report of India Today, Farhan Jafri of London think tank ITCT says that a big mistake has been committed by Pakistan is that it has put in its mouth as much as it might chew and digest.

Farhan Jafri says that the business community in Karachi has told Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif that there is no harm in restoring trade with India. This will help in strengthening the national economy.

Since the Pulwama attack in 2019, India-Pakistan relations have been extremely cold. Political and diplomatic tensions have also severely damaged bilateral trade.