Why did Kyiv elude the Russians? Factors explaining the “military failure”

the Russian army In control of the Ukrainian capital KyivDespite his clear superiority in terms of equipment and fighters.

The source stated that the control of Kyiv was an important goal for Russia, and for weeks it sought to control the strategic city.

Kyiv is of great importance, as it is the seat of government, while it wasRainbow It seeks to change what it says it is "A corrupt Nazi ruling elite" in Ukraine.

The Russian army tried to advance towards Kyiv from the banks of the Dnieper River, but the attempts were unsuccessful, while Ukraine says it has shown strong resistance in defending the capital.

Obstacles to the Russians

Among the obstacles that the Russians encountered; The area of ​​Kyiv, it is a sprawling city, even larger than the American city of New York, and equivalent to five times the city of Mariupol.

I wrote a newspaper "The New York Times"The Russians also did not expect the Ukrainians to be so desperate to defend the land, but "rapid collapse" It did not happen.

Another influencing factor is that the Russian army had experience in fighting in open spaces, and was not ready to fight battles in the middle of cities.

The newspaper says that even if the army is well trained, it is not easy to fight battles in all parts of Kyiv so that it can secure the city, and therefore, the "The Russian army did not even succeed in encircling the capital".

"early error"

And she adds "The New York Times"that things have gone wrong since today, the twenty-fourth of last February, when the Russian military operations began.

It was reported that this error occurred when Russian helicopters attacked an airport "hostel" In Ukraine, they were met with fierce resistance, which hindered the preparation of airborne forces to storm the capital, Kyiv.

After that, the Russian army sent limited forces towards Kyiv, in an effort to take a quick control of the city, but this endeavor did not succeed, because the capture of a major city, is difficult and complicated, as it was tainted. "shed blood" heavy"and it takes a long time.

Russian tanks and armored vehicles have already advanced to a street that leads to the center of the capital, Kyiv, but this move was unsuccessful.

Military experts say that the armies benefit from tanks and armored vehicles when they are supported by air forces or infantry, but the matter is completely different in the case of the Russian military column, which was self-reliant only.

Many Russian tanks and military vehicles were attacked from high places, and then the Russian army was forced to retreat, according to the newspaper "The New York Times".

"Quick crash trick"

Says the analyst and expert in military affairs at the Institute of "Royal United" Services, Rick Reynolds, Inc "The Russian leadership was deceived that Ukraine would collapse as soon as the first sign of fighting broke out"And it was believed that President Volodymyr Zelensky would flee the country, and this did not happen.

The researcher described the lack of understanding of Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian state as"catastrophic failure"While the Russian fighters outnumbered their Ukrainian enemies, by ten to one.

Analysts believe that Russia has failed to coordinate between the forces on the ground, and between the intelligence, air force and engineering departments.

And when the Russians found themselves unable to reach the heart of Kyiv, they decided to encircle it by establishing a narrow circle, in order to cut off the way for any supplies, but this plan did not succeed either, according to "The New York Times".

Even if the Russian army had advanced to the east of Kyiv, things would not have gone the way he wanted, because the Ukrainians might blow up the bridges, and then they would be cut off from supply.


The American newspaper, “The New York Times”, asked regarding the reason for the stumble the Russian army In control of the Ukrainian capital KyivDespite his clear superiority in terms of equipment and fighters.

The source stated that the control of Kyiv was an important goal for Russia, and for weeks it sought to control the strategic city.

Kyiv is of great importance, as it is the seat of government, while it wasRainbow It seeks to change what it says is the “corrupt Nazi ruling elite” in Ukraine.

The Russian army tried to advance towards Kyiv from the banks of the Dnieper River, but the attempts were unsuccessful, while Ukraine says it has shown strong resistance in defending the capital.

Obstacles to the Russians

Among the obstacles that the Russians encountered; The area of ​​Kyiv, it is a sprawling city, even larger than the American city of New York, and equivalent to five times the city of Mariupol.

The New York Times wrote that the Russians also did not expect the Ukrainians to desperately defend the land, but the “quick crash” did not happen.

Another influencing factor is that the Russian army had experience in fighting in open spaces, and was not ready to fight battles in the middle of cities.

The newspaper says that even if the army is well trained, it is not easy to fight the battles all over Kyiv so that it can secure the city, and therefore, “the Russian army did not even succeed in encircling the capital.”

“early error”

The New York Times adds that things have gone wrong since today, the twenty-fourth of February, when the Russian military operations began.

And she reported that this mistake occurred when Russian helicopters attacked the “Hostomel” airport in Ukraine, meeting fierce resistance, which hindered the preparation of airborne forces until they stormed the capital, Kyiv.

After that, the Russian army sent limited forces towards Kyiv, in an effort to take control of the city quickly, but this endeavor did not succeed, because the capture of a major city is difficult and complicated, as it is marred by “excessive bloodshed”, and it takes a long time.

Russian tanks and armored vehicles have already advanced to a street that leads to the center of the capital, Kyiv, but this move was unsuccessful.

Military experts say that the armies benefit from tanks and armored vehicles when they are supported by air forces or infantry, but the matter is completely different in the case of the Russian military column, which was self-reliant only.

Many Russian tanks and military vehicles were attacked from high places, and then the Russian army was forced to retreat, according to the New York Times.

“Quick Meltdown Trick”

“The Russian leadership was deceived that Ukraine would collapse as soon as the first sign of fighting broke out,” says Rick Reynolds, an analyst and expert on military affairs at the Royal United Services Institute. It was believed that President Volodymyr Zelensky would flee the country, and this did not happen.

The researcher described the lack of understanding of Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian state as a “catastrophic failure”, while the Russian fighters outnumbered their Ukrainian enemies by ten to one.

Analysts believe that Russia has failed to coordinate between the forces on the ground, and between the intelligence, air force and engineering departments.

And when the Russians found themselves unable to reach the heart of Kyiv, they decided to encircle it by establishing a narrow circle, in order to cut off any supplies, but this plan did not work either, according to the “New York Times”.

Even if the Russian army had advanced to the east of Kyiv, things would not have gone the way he wanted, because the Ukrainians might blow up the bridges, and then they would be cut off from supply.



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