Why did Kolesnikov, who was married three times, consider Vertinskaya the most beautiful and what happened to his grave

2023-07-15 03:30:56

Sergei Kolesnikov – He died on my birthday. And now I don’t have a birthday, – his girlfriend, Larisa Udovichenko, admitted in a trembling voice at a memorial service for Sergei Kolesnikov. The actress turned 68 on April 29. – For me, Seryozha was not just a friend, but a brother, a father. Unusually beautiful and unlike anyone else.

“He, like a real man, never complained of being unwell,” recalled the artist Oleg Akulich, who shared one dressing room with Sergei Kolesnikov. – Always cheerful, cheerful, full of energy. And suddenly – a stroke … I said that he would be better at Easter. And he got better. Already opened one eye. Even began to smile. And then…

– Not enough masculinity today, and Seryozha was a real man! – added Nadezhda Babkina, with whom Sergei was busy in several productions at the Russian Song Theater. – His impressions were always crazy. A man with humor, without any squabbles, without aggression. 68 years old … To live and live. What an anniversary we would have repaid for him!

Cigarette butts and cores

When mother-engineer Maria Pavlovna carried Sergey under her heart, she was sure that a girl would be born. She and her husband have been waiting for this! The couple already had two sons. For the future baby, they bought luxurious dresses with ruffles and lace. When Maria Pavlovna heard from the midwife: “Rejoice, mother, you have a boy!”, She was upset for a whole week.

Unlike his older brothers, Seryozha grew up as a prankster: he encouraged friends to search for treasures, diving under barges, collecting stubs from garbage heaps, smoking abandoned gobies by someone, stealing horses, sang in a pitiful voice in train cars “Here I die, die, they will bury me …”. The first time he waved moonshine at the age of 10. And when he went camping with the guys for a week, his parents breathed a sigh of relief: “At least take a break from him!”

Ivan Kolesnikov (left) with his mother and famous father

– At school, I was not just a loser, cola – these are my grades, – Kolesnikov said in an interview with 7 Days. – The teachers dragged me, believing that if the brothers were excellent students, then I also know something. They were wrong – in my head I had a blank sheet and Mayakovsky’s poems, whom I fell in love with for a long time. Instead of writing tests, I sang. Works practiced performances on the school stage.

Teachers, of course, advised to go to the theater, and he dreamed of becoming a trucker – “to travel around the country in a big car.” As a result, though not the first time, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. He managed to get married and divorced before.

“We were friends from school,” the actor said regarding his first wife. – They sat at the same desk. Barely 18 knocked, got married. But our family life quickly fell apart.

The dearest person

He met his second wife at the theater. But this marriage lasted just nothing. And years later he lost his head from the daughter of the architect Velikanov.

– We met in the hospital. Masha worked there as a nurse, and I was a patient. – Kolesnikov shared with Express Newspaper. – Masha saved me – I had a serious illness. After he left, they started dating. And then they got married. Sons were born (the eldest – Alexander – not from Sergei, but from Maria’s previous relationship and he bears the name of his mother, or rather, his grandfather, in whose footsteps he followed, having studied as an architect. – D.P.). Masha changed her profession: she became interested in sewing and became a dressmaker. For some time they worked together – she sewed costumes for performances, worked on television, where she met Maria Shakhova, who invented Fazenda. So my wife and I ended up in this TV project.

Sergey was sincerely surprised by his colleagues changing their wives for young beauties.

“I can’t even imagine it to myself!” Especially those with pouty lips! – laughed. – The woman herself is beautiful! And the most beautiful in the world is Nastya Vertinskaya. Absolute. The ideal of beauty. It combines everything that is needed for a true woman. I had the opportunity to play with her and be friends with her. But I would never trade my Masha for anyone! She is my dearest and closest person.

Anastasia Vertinskaya

With Mary, the actor lived until his last breath.

– Masha was his best friend and adviser. Carefully kept their family hearth, creating comfort and warmth, – Sergey’s friends say in one voice. – She is a designer, an artist. It’s in Masha’s blood to sculpt beauty. And she sculpted it. How beautifully and harmoniously everything was arranged in their Moscow apartment, in the house in Tarusa…

There, in the Kaluga region, they lived next door to the actor Nikolai Chindyaykin.

– Every day we either had lunch or dinners with families. When they spent the night with each other. Kolyosik always came up with something, arranged performances, skits with his family. An incredible light emanated from him and everyone was infected with his positive, – Chindyaikin sighs, remembering his friend. – We never quarreled with Seryozha. Our wives used to quarrel, and we sit and smile. Oh how we miss him now…

The actor rested at the Troekurovsky cemetery


About his son Ivan, who became an actor, Kolesnikov said:

– Vanka was brought up by my parents and grew up as a very homely boy. The complete opposite of me as a child. They weren’t happy with my son. Apparently, it is they who are “guilty” of the obsession that has been sitting in Van since youth – to have a large family. He, like me, got married early. But I never really thought regarding getting divorced.

This year, the couple has an opal wedding – 21 years of marriage. Costume designer Lina Ramanauskaite gave birth to three daughters from Ivan Kolesnikov.

– After the first one – Dunyasha – they were expecting a boy. They even came up with a sonorous name – Fedor Ivanovich. Don’t lose hope for the boy. Apparently, they will follow the fourth, – Sergey Kolesnikov winked.

By the way, he became a grandfather at 51 and was very proud of this status:

– It’s such a wonderful and wonderful feeling! When you hear “grandfather” – nothing compares!

Photo source: Personal archive, Globallookpress.com/Russian Look, Olga Emelyanova, Larisa Kudryavtseva

#Kolesnikov #married #times #Vertinskaya #beautiful #happened #grave



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