2023-09-20 05:31:00
Los channels have arrived on WhatsApp so that companies, public persons or whoever wants can report their news. If you join one, you will be able to know everything a person or media outlet does in real time. It is a content dissemination tool, you cannot interact with them like in groups. They are found in the News tab, just below the States. Finding them is very simple, but creating them is something else.
Los channels are public, they cannot be made private, and they have no limit on members. You name and phone number will not be visible when creating a channel to protect your privacy, whether you create or join one. Subscribers will not be able to respond or send messages on the channel, only the administrator will be able to do so. If you have a channel you can send text, videos, photos, stickers and surveys. Later, you will be able to block the option to take screenshots and forward content from your channel, in addition to other new features that will be added.
This is how you can create a WhatsApp channel step by step
Creating a WhatsApp channel is very simple if you know how to do it, and if you have the option activated. The first thing you should do is update the app so that the channels and the new option to create them appear, if you have not already updated:
Go to News Click on the sign + next to the Channels option
Click on the option Create channel, above Search channels
A screen will appear with the conditions of the channels. Continue Enter the channel name and descriptionin addition to a photo with your camera or image from the gallery Confirm by clicking Create channel It has already been created and you can write updates
Can make more channels if you want in the same way. Likewise, in the channel description you will find the possibility to send, share, edit it, silence notifications and delete it. You can’t make it private, it’s totally public.
Why can’t I create channels?
For now alone some entities and people can create their own channels, probably at the invitation of Mark Zuckerberg himself due to their relevance or because they have many followers. It is not a function that is available to everyone, at least for now. For now it is being tested, so it is expected that it will reach the entire world very soon and that we can all create our own.
Initially, they have announced that it reaches international voices select leaders and organizations in Colombia and Singapore, although later they will expand to more countries and will allow anyone to create a channel, as announced by the company itself. This is why surely if you are following these steps and You can’t find the option to create a channel It is because it is not yet available in your account.
Therefore, you will have to wait a while until it arrives and make your own channel as we have told you. If you have managed to follow all the steps, congratulations because you are one of the lucky people who has already received this option.