“Why Being Intimate with Your Partner is Important: Benefits, Health Consequences, and More”

2023-05-31 00:46:19

Within courtship or marriage it is common be intimate between couples, as it is a new way to show love beyond words. Although there have been many taboos regarding the right time to have relationships, currently speaking frankly regarding doubts and insecurities prior to this big step will improve trust within the relationship and other benefits.

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Why is it important to be intimate with your partner?

Intimacy provides many health benefits, in addition to increasing communication between the two regarding their desires and fantasies, as well as strengthening the relationship, since it has been proven that physical contact is necessary within a relationship to keep the flame of love alive.

Some sexologists recommend be intimate at least two or three times a week, since in addition to improving the bond with the couple, it has several benefits for physical and mental health as well as better sleep and burn calories.

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What happens to the body when you stop being intimate for a long time?

By stopping be intimate For a while, an increase in stress can be generated due to the non-release of the substances that allow it to be counteracted. In turn, it causes an increase in blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone that is released as a result of overwhelm and anguish.

It is more common to get sick as blood sugar levels rise and the immune system is suppressed, leaving the body more exposed to infections, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

The genital area is weakened, because like any muscle, by not exercising there can be complications such as erection problems in men and lack of elasticity in women due to atrophy in the vagina.

By not be intimatethere is a lack of oxytocin, known as the ‘love hormone’, which is why the body suffers from mood swings, such as stress, anxiety and forgetfulness.

Finally, the lack of intimacy causes heart problems since it is considered a cardiovascular exercise. Causing the heart to weaken and not work properly.

If what you want is not to have physical and mental health problems, it is better to ‘do homework’ several times a week to notice improvements in health.

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