Why Avoid Coffee During a Cold: Expert Advice and Alternative Drinks

2023-10-11 16:54:46

During a cold, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. But, according to doctors, it is better to avoid coffee during this period. And there are several reasons for this, reports Huffpost.

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Prevents you from falling asleep

The body of a sick person needs much more time to sleep in order for the immune system to work to its maximum. Caffeine is known to prevent sleep.

American scientist S. Hasig emphasizes that during illness, quality rest is important, and coffee and energy drinks will stimulate the body, which is not at all necessary during such a period.

Leads to dehydration

Doctors recommend consuming plenty of warm fluids to help the body fight off the infection. However, this is only relevant in the case of tea, compote, and herbal decoctions. Coffee, on the contrary, removes water from the body.

Nutrition expert D. Monti adds that the invigorating drink has a diuretic effect. It is curious that those who rarely drink coffee are more likely to experience mild dehydration, while the body of experienced coffee drinkers successfully adapts. In other words, if a person has not drank coffee before, it is undesirable to start doing so during a cold.

Disturbs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

When the human body fights viruses or bacteria, it is often accompanied by an upset stomach. You need to drink more water, but definitely not coffee. Its laxative effect will only worsen gastrointestinal problems.

What to drink then?

If a person with a cold needs to work during the day, he cannot imagine his life without coffee and does not have stomach problems, you can allow yourself a cup of weak drink before lunch. But provided that he eats chicken broth, drinks herbal infusions and milk with honey.

By the way, green tea contains less caffeine, but it also invigorates and relieves unpleasant symptoms.

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