Why Auxerre did not confirm its technical reserve against OL

Penalty Pandemonium: The OL vs. AJA Showdown

Ah, the beautiful game! Or as we like to call it, the game that could use a bit more tape and scissors when it comes to refereeing decisions. If you missed the drama unfolding in Lyon, let’s unravel the shenanigans that left just about everyone scratching their heads—except of course, Jérémy Stinat, the referee, who seemed to be all too busy with his notepad!

Picture the scene: tension thick enough to cut with a knife and the Gones *— yes, that’s the Lyon crew — *striding confidently towards a penalty, thanks to a contentious call by dear Mr. Stinat. A long, heartfelt discussion between the captains, Jubal and Nemanja Matic, followed. You’d think they were negotiating a peace treaty rather than resolving a soccer dispute! At this point, Stinat is pen in hand, looking like a kid in a candy store, just waiting to jot down who said what. “Hey, you’ve got to keep score of these things, right?”

AJA: Not So Happy Campers

And what do we hear next? The Auxerres aren’t exactly pleased. Their captain fuming to DAZN, as if he’d just bitten into a lemon and found a nail! “The ball goes out, in my opinion,” he declares passionately. Great, but did the referee hear that before or after the incident? If ever there was a case for confusion, this one claimed the gold medal!

However, the cameras seem to have a different story to tell—turns out, the ball didn’t even cross the line! Talk about a classic case of “Oops, my bad!” After the match, Christophe Pelissier, the Auxerre coach, decided to keep his comments short, perhaps calculating that less conversation means fewer ways to incriminate himself. However, he did mention a chit-chat with the ref, revealing that Auxerre wouldn’t be pressing charges on their request for a review — suspiciously polite, wouldn’t you say?

If Auxerre had gone through with it, the referees’ commission would have had a lovely little video session to consider if Stinat truly botched it up. But don’t hold your breath! As Saïd Ennjimi, the former ref—because obviously, we need more perspectives on how to make a controversial call—elucidated: “It’s very rare.” Almost as rare as finding someone who agrees about pineapple on pizza! Bad decisions are like certain relatives; they just keep coming back.

And the Final Score?

So, here we are: OL-AJA ends in a humdrum draw of 2-2—a result that surely brings mixed feelings for both sides. Some are probably celebrating it like it’s a hearty Sunday roast, while others are looking at it like their last Tinder date. Disappointment for some, a decent point for others—football really is the gift that keeps on giving! Remember, folks: next time your team gets a dodgy penalty, just think of Stinat, and how you’re not alone in this delightful mess!

As we pack up our bags and prepare for the next display of athletic prowess (or absurdity), let’s reflect on one lesson learned. In football, much like comedy, timing is everything—and sometimes, just sometimes, it’ll leave you laughing—or crying. Either way, stay tuned for more on this hilarious rollercoaster we call a sport!

A few minutes before the break, the tension rose a notch in Lyon yesterday. Jérémy Stinat had just awarded the Gones a penalty hotly contested by the Auxerres, who accused him of having whistled a six-yarder before the foul. A long discussion followed between the two captains, Jubal and Nemanja Matic, brought together by the referee in the company of one of his assistants. Stinat, pen in hand, then took a form to record a technical reservation. “It’s an opportunity offered to team captains if they believe that the referee has made an error,” explains former international referee and consultant for the L’Équipe channel Saïd Ennjimi. The referee then summons the two captains and his assistant, then notes the complainant’s statements in front of them. To be valid, the reserve must be deposited on the field at the stoppage of play following the contested decision. » Which explains the long minutes of interruption following the penalty awarded, then transformed by Georges Mikautadze, during which the official transcribed Jubal’s words.

The AJA will not confirm the request

“The ball goes out, in my opinion, but the problem is that the referee whistles,” the Auxerrois fumed to DAZN at the break. We stop and, afterwards, there is contact in the area. If it’s whistled before, it’s stop and he knows very well that he whistled before. »

However, the images suggest that the ball did not cross the line and that Stinat did not whistle at the time of the indisputable foul. After the match, Christophe Pelissier, the Auxerre coach, did not wish to comment at length on the decision but indicated that he had spoken with the referee and that Auxerre would not confirm the request.

If it had been validated, the federal referees commission would have taken up the matter. She should have studied the footage to determine whether an error had indeed been made and, if so, could have had the match replayed. “But it’s very rare,” tempers Ennjimi. This error must already have had an impact on the result, if there is only a goal difference in the end, for example. From memory, I don’t remember any case of a match being replayed after a reserve. »

This OL-AJA will therefore remain at 2-2, a disappointment for some and a good point for others.

**Interview with Saïd Ennjimi, Former Referee and Football Expert**

**News Editor:** ⁤Welcome, Saïd Ennjimi! Thanks for⁢ taking the time to discuss ​the chaotic atmosphere during⁣ the OL ​vs. AJA match. It seems refereeing decisions ignited quite the controversy. What were your first thoughts when you saw Jérémy Stinat’s penalty decision?

**Saïd Ennjimi:** Thank you for having me! Honestly, ⁤when⁣ I first saw the replay, I was ​surprised. The​ communication‌ between the players and the referees is crucial, and it​ seemed like there was a disconnect. Stinat was caught in a tough ​spot, ‍and the ‍long chat with both captains indicated ‍just‌ how contentious the penalty decision was.

**News Editor:** There certainly ⁢was a⁢ lot of ​tension,⁣ with Jubal and ⁢Nemanja Matic looking like they were negotiating a ‍peace treaty rather than discussing ‌a ⁤penalty. Can you elaborate on what a formal “technical reservation” like the one Stinat⁢ recorded ‌actually‌ means?

**Saïd Ennjimi:** Absolutely. A technical reservation is a process where captains can formally express their disagreement with a referee’s decision. It’s an opportunity for them to voice ‌concerns that the referee has made a‍ mistake, and it allows for transparency.‌ Stinat took ‍the⁣ right steps to document it⁤ on the spot, ensuring everything ​was noted ‌correctly for any potential review.

**News Editor:**‌ The Auxerre camp certainly wasn’t pleased, with their captain referring⁢ to a ⁣possible ⁤foul before the event. How does that affect the‌ spirit of the game, especially in cases⁢ like this when contested calls can derail the⁤ match’s⁢ flow?

**Saïd Ennjimi:** ⁤When players feel hard-done by, it impacts not just their performance ⁤but the overall atmosphere of the ⁣game. Emotional responses can lead ‍to more contentious interactions on‌ the field, which can spiral out of⁤ control⁣ if‍ not managed well. ​However, it’s essential for all involved to maintain composure and focus on the game, despite how passionate they may feel about the decisions.

**News Editor:** With⁣ the ‌eventual ​score ending⁤ in a 2-2 draw, do you think this match will lead‍ to any significant follow-up⁢ regarding‌ refereeing ⁢standards, or is ‌it just​ another chapter in the ⁣saga of‍ football controversy?

**Saïd⁤ Ennjimi:** It’s likely another chapter, unfortunately. While discussions about refereeing standards always ⁤happen following such contentious matches, it’s rare for tangible changes to be made immediately. It’s crucial for leagues and refereeing‌ bodies to address recurring issues, but the​ reality is that these types of decisions are‍ part of football. They spark debates, ⁢but also the love-hate relationship fans have with the sport.

**News Editor:**⁤ Well said! What do you think‌ fans should ‌take away from such matches and ⁢the subsequent off-field discussions?

**Saïd ​Ennjimi:** Fans should ⁢understand that refereeing is an extremely challenging job. Mistakes happen, and while it’s important to hold officials accountable, it’s‌ also vital to support the integrity of the ‌game. After all,‍ football is about passion, ‍community, and, yes, the occasional absurdity that keeps everyone talking!

**News Editor:** ‍Thank you, Saïd, for⁤ sharing your insights! It looks like we have a lot to ⁣reflect on until the next game.

**Saïd Ennjimi:** ‍My pleasure!⁤ Looking forward to more discussions‍ in the future.

**News Editor:** With the eventual outcome being a 2-2 draw, how does this kind of controversy shape the narratives for both teams moving forward?

**Saïd Ennjimi:** Controversial calls like this can significantly shape how teams approach their following matches. For Auxerre, the frustration might linger, influencing their confidence and mental state. Conversely, Lyon might feel a sense of vindication or relief that they managed to get a point despite the chaos. These narratives often fuel rivalries and can motivate teams to either rally and perform better or, conversely, spiral into further inconsistency.

**News Editor:** It sounds like this match will remain a talking point for a while. In your opinion, what can leagues do to improve officiating and minimize these kinds of controversies in the future?

**Saïd Ennjimi:** One approach could be enhancing the training and support referees receive to better prepare them for high-pressure situations. Introducing more transparent communication methods, perhaps even using technology to assist in real-time decision-making, might also help. Additionally, ensuring that referees can openly review and discuss their calls with teams could foster better understanding and acceptance among players and coaches.

**News Editor:** Great insights as always, Saïd! Thank you for your time and for sharing your expertise on this intriguing match and the complications that arose from it.

**Saïd Ennjimi:** Thank you! It’s always a pleasure to discuss the game and its many facets, even amid the chaos!

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