Why are wood pellet prices soaring?

With rising energy prices, wood pellet prices have skyrocketed and customers are struggling to find stock in stores.

About ten years ago, Carmen and Albert Pan abandoned electric heating and opted for the pellet stove. An ecological operation, and above all economical. Their last order in March cost them more than 766 euros, or a full year hot. But for a few months, the couple no longer meet there. ” [La facture] climb. When we started, the bag was 3 euros, even 4 euros,” says Albert. And Carmen, to continue: “And since then, it has increased a little bit every year”.

This increase has been all the more visible in recent months. Since last spring, the price of pellets has continued to rise. The bag went from 6.5 euros to 8 euros. F3C Energies is overwhelmed by phone calls from customers. No doubt worried regarding further increases. On the phone, Gaëlle Benois, saleswoman, sometimes receives certain refusals: “690 euros for a palette is quite expensive. Especially since the client had a boiler that required at least 4 or 5. Even if we offered to pay in installments, it’s still a big budget. »

According to the manufacturers, this increase is linked to the rise in the price of energy. To make pellets, the sawdust and wood shavings must first be crushed, dried and compressed. This operation, necessary to obtain granules, is carried out using machines, which need electricity to operate. Hippolyte Tuison, Owner of F3C Energies explains: “When we tend to want to dry and increase production, we consume more and therefore as we consume more, this affects the cost price of the raw material. »

Unlike other distributors, the F3C company still has stock: 150 tons of pellets arrive at the warehouse every week. This makes it possible to meet the weekly demand of the 150 customers. But the costs are still likely to increase. The company plans an increase to 9.5 euros per bag by the start of the school year. Per tonne, this is an increase of 350 euros to 572 euros, or more than 60% increase.



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