Why are there more rodents in Bariloche?

In recent weeks, with the arrival of the cold, they began to see rodents in various schools and homes in various neighborhoods of Bariloche.

«What is seen, through consultations in the office, is that there are many rodents in the city. People send us photos and they are common mice; not wild mice”, warned Valeria Rossi, from the Environmental Health area of ​​the Andean Zone.

He insisted that there is no “technical data on the amount, but With more human activities, so much tourism and so much garbage, the city collapses and the number of urban rodents increases.

The veterinarian explained that rodents have two reproduction peaks, in autumn and spring: «At the beginning of the cold, they mobilize more, in search of shelter and food. Because of that, they can get closer to inhabited places,” she said.

Fernado Clobaz, from the fumigation company that bears his name, acknowledged that today they have “more work than normal” and that the novelty is that they are finding large brown rats that were not there before.

«Before, this big rat was in very specific places like 9 de Julio street, Onelli, Tiscornia or in the Mallín because underneath there are pipes that end up in the lake. But now they are everywhere and far from water sources. Because? Don’t know. In Dina Huapi there never was: today we went for some cases. We also found in Colonia Suiza,” Clobaz acknowledged.

He described them as “territorial” animals that even kill mice. «Strikingly when we catch rats they are all alpha, the best in the colony. How do you know? Because they fight each other. The weakest have no hair on their trunks and are usually amputated. It’s not normal“, he pointed.

Why do rodents abound at this time? Cesar Méndez, from Nativa Fumigaciones, indicated that these animals “are present 365 days a year in urbanized areas. But they are mammals and as such, when they enter times of low temperatures, it affects them«.

He commented that in just one morning, his company received 5 calls to request the service. He recalled that the conditions of order and cleanliness of a home determine the presence of rodents. «We are talking regarding a triangle of life: shelter, food and a source of hydration. The places that supply this, inadvertently, guarantee the settlement », he assured.

Méndez commented that two types of rodents abound in the city. «The lauchita is the most commonbut the problem is when there is a settlement of rattus rattus (the black mouse) What does he do with cats? It is very destructive. It can break a water pipe or nest in the roof,” he said.

The veterinarian Rodrigo Bustamante, from the Epidemiology area of ​​the Ramón Carrillo hospital, stressed that at this time the rodents look for food. “That’s why they move more. They are city rats. The longtail, which spreads hantavirus, is in the woods. There may be a house in the woods,” he said, warning that “the prevention measures are always the same: clean around a house, not collect garbage and cover the entrances to the houses.”

In turn, Clobaz recommended storing pet food and weatherstripping.

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