Why are sardines good for your health?

2024-01-26 16:01:04

We tend to forget it when filling our shopping bag… Wrongly. Sardines are an oily fish that is too often ignored! Inexpensive, thanks to its many nutritional benefits, it is a concentrate of health benefits! We tell you everything about this fish native to Sardinia (and which owes its name to it!)

What are the nutritional benefits of sardines?

In 100 g of raw sardines, we find:

163 calories 19.5 g protein 1.2 g monounsaturated fatty acids 3.25 g polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.1 g omega-3

What you must remember ? The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in sardines … but also in nutrients such as calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, vitamin D and B vitamins. Furthermore, fatty fish – in general – are an excellent source of complete proteins because they contain the 9 essential amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the human body but which the body itself cannot produce.

What are the health benefits of consuming sardines?

Thanks to sardines, we stock up on omega 3. Good polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect the heart, the brain and the nervous system! And that’s not the only health benefit of sardines!

Sardines for strong bones

Sardines are a good source of calcium, a nutrient that plays a role in the formation of bones, teeth and their consolidation… This is also the case for phosphorus, another nutrient found in sardines! Richer in phosphorus and calcium than milk, it also helps us build good (and old) bones.

Sardines and high blood pressure

Calcium also plays a role in maintaining blood pressure and, even more so, in regulating blood pressure.

Sardines and cardiovascular health

There are numerous studies on the subject: “good fats” – which include omega-3 fatty acids – are good for health: they help in particular to take care of heart health but also to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Like other fatty fish.

Sardines and Alzheimer’s disease

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Studies have also shown that people who eat more fish have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Sardines against depression?

Does eating sardines help with depression? Several studies attribute a role to omega-3 fatty acids in regulating mood and preventing depression.

Sardines: are there health risks?

Although, in general, it is excellent for health, the consumption of sardines still requires some precautions: like all seafood products, it can trigger allergic reactions. Due to their high purine content, they should also be consumed in moderation by people suffering from gout.

On our plate Better eat it fresh and grilled, without added fat. A little more caloric in canned form, it still remains interesting. We alternate with other fatty fish (mackerel…) and skinny (cod…), just to swallow our two rations of fish per week.

Thanks to Béatrice de Reynal, nutritionist and co-author of “The secrets of dermonutrition” (Vuibert).

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#sardines #good #health

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