why are companies betting on this format in 2023?

2023-07-19 13:31:14

The business podcast is an increasingly popular audio format that offers a unique opportunity, especially for brands, to deliver interesting, educational and engaging content directly to the ears of their listeners. Many companies have already grasped the importance of learning about this topic in order to grow their business in 2023 through this type of content.

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Ambitious start-ups, well-established SMEs and large corporations all have good reason to embrace podcasting in order to generate new growth opportunities. Here are the ones you need to know to fully master the subject.

What is the podcast and what is its link with “brand content”?

Podcast is a format of audio content accessible online, which allows Internet users to access programs, interviews, discussions and enriching stories, on a multitude of subjects.

It provides an immersive experience for listeners, who can listen to the episodes of their choice anytime and anywhere. Whether during their daily commute, during a sports session or simply at home.

As a particularly authentic format, podcasting has therefore naturally become a popular channel in terms of brand content (or branded content). This refers to the creation of content by a brand, with the aim of promoting its identity, its values ​​and intrinsically, its products or services. This format is more commonly referred to as marque podcast.

Namely: some companies also create “internal podcasts” in order to effectively disseminate information to all of their employees.

Why is podcasting trending in 2023?

Podcasting is an especially popular type of media in 2023. And that can largely be attributed to the many podcasts focused on business management and entrepreneurship that have emerged in recent years.

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These professional podcasts highlighted inspiring stories of successful entrepreneurs and shared practical advice that inspired many brands to produce their own audio content.

The flexible and personalized listening experience offered by any podcast is also one of the reasons for this boom. Thanks to its adaptability, the podcast has integrated very easily into the daily life of several million Internet users.

How is the podcast interesting content for companies?

The main benefit of the business podcast is its ability to build brand image and establish expertise. It offers companies of all sizes a uniquely accessible way to create engaging content and connect directly with their target audience.

Many well-known brands have also adopted podcasting or “corporate podcasting” to promote their image and their products, including:

Chanel Connects (produced by the luxury brand Chanel); Les Voix de l’Amour (produced by Meetic); Doing well (produced by Danone); Chalalove (produced by Gemmyo); and many more…

All of these examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the podcast and its tried and tested, minimally intrusive approach.

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