Why are certain private establishments refusing to vaccinate children against the papillomavirus? – A question by Mr. Ouzoulias Pierre

2023-10-11 22:36:48

Question from Mr. OUZOULIAS Pierre (Hauts-de-Seine – CRCE – Kanaky) published on 10/12/2023

Mr. Pierre Ouzoulias questions the Minister of National Education and Youth regarding the refusal of certain private establishments to vaccinate children once morest the papillomavirus.

According to figures from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), in France, only 45.8% of 15-year-old girls and barely 6% of boys of the same age have received at least one dose. vaccine which protects once morest infections by human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus responsible for cancer. This vaccination coverage is among the lowest in industrialized countries and is far from the objectives set by the national sexual health strategy and the cancer plan. Aware of our delay in this area, the President of the Republic announced the launch of a generalized vaccination campaign for all students in 5th grade, leaving it to the Minister of Health to decline the operational part of this plan.

This has been done since October 2, 2023, the day on which the vaccination campaign once morest the papillomavirus officially began in more than 1,500 colleges. If public establishments are automatically included in the vaccination plan, private establishments must get involved on a voluntary basis. However, to date, 1,500 private colleges have come forward out of a total of 1,660.

He asks why a hundred private establishments still refuse to volunteer in order to carry out this policy which is essential to the good health of our students. He would like to know his recommendations so that the vaccination campaign is efficient in all private colleges in our country.

Published in the Senate JO of 10/12/2023 – page 5810

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