Why and how to induce labor?

Is your labor going to be induced for medical reasons? Do you have questions regarding this particular type of childbirth? How is this going to unfold? Is it possible to request a release for personal reasons?

Inducing labor means artificially inducing contractions of the uterus to start labour. There are three methods of artificial induction of labor: separation of the membranes, induction by intravaginal administration of prostaglandins and induction by intravenous administration of oxytocin with rupture of the water bag. It is sometimes necessary to use them successively. The detachment of the membranes consists of introducing the finger inside the cervix during a vaginal examination. This technique can be painful and cause bleeding. It doesn’t work every time. Prostaglandins administered intravaginally are particularly recommended when the cervix is ​​immature. Oxytocin allows the dilation of the cervix and triggers contractions. Gradually increasing doses will be administered to the patient, the aim being to use the lowest possible dose. An initiation can occur following a medical decision or be requested by the patient, for personal convenience, even if this scenario remains rather rare.

Induction for medical reasons

There are two medical reasons for the onset of childbirth: if the pregnancy extends beyond the expected term or if there is premature rupture of the bag of waters. Exceeding the term beyond six days can represent a risk for the child. Premature rupture of the water bag, that is to say before the start of labor, increases the risk of infections for the child. If labor does not start spontaneously within two days, an induction will be offered to the young woman.

Triggering for personal reasons

In some situations, women may ask to be induced without medical reasons. A woman who has had an extremely rapid previous birth (less than two hours or much less) may fear giving birth in her home or car and may prefer induction to be sure of giving birth in a hospital or clinical. In a family where there are already several children or if the spouse is often on business trips, a trigger can be chosen for practical reasons.

However, comfort releases will only be accepted by the medical team from the 39th week and if the cervix is ​​favourable, ie softened and open. You should know that a comfort trigger can be postponed at the last moment for organizational reasons of maternity. Moreover, if it is the maternity that offers you an induction for organizational reasons, you are not obliged to accept.



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