WHSP Whisper Ring: The Ultimate Voice Control Gadget for Your Phone

2024-01-10 16:01:00

WHSP Whisper Ring with Phone (In Gadget)

Wednesday 10 January 2024 / 20:01

A Korean company presented a WHSP ring equipped with a sensor and a microphone that activates when brought close to the mouth to interact by whispering with the mobile phone and activating the voice assistant.

When you want to talk to your voice assistant, you can simply mumble towards your ring and have it understand you. The idea is that you will use the special VTouch app, which will offer a number of AI assistants to help you.

The device also enables you to interact with your smart home, and it continues to work for approximately a day and a half on a single charge. And of course, any responses will be received through your headphones, allowing you to “chat” to your assistant. There’s even a button that, if pressed five times at once, will trigger a system to alert your contacts of an emergency and record surround sound.

Touch plans to launch the ring in the near future, but there is no information yet about the expected price of this device or its official launch date, according to the website. In Gadget.

#Ring #lets #whisper #mobile #phone

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