Whooping cough cases surge in US, Europe post-COVID pandemic

Whooping Cough: The “100-Day Cough” You Never Wanted to Meet!

Ah, whooping cough! Just when you thought you could finally stop googling terms like “post-pandemic respiratory ailments,” here it is making a grand return, like a bad penny or a sequel to a movie that should never have had one. This time, we’re seeing an alarming uptick in cases of pertussis—more than 18,500 cases in the U.S. alone since January 2024! Talk about a cough that keeps giving…

The Numbers Don’t Lie

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of pertussis are up nearly fivefold compared to this time last year. In fact, we haven’t seen numbers like this since 2014— a year so far away that it feels like we were still trying to figure out who would win the Game of Thrones. And speaking of outbreaks, France is facing its worst whooping cough epidemic in 25 years. That’s like opening a time capsule and finding not just outdated fashion, but also a whole bunch of whooping cough bacteria!

What Exactly is Pertussis?

Ah, the infamous whooping cough—so contagious it could win a popularity contest among respiratory infections. It often kicks off with run-of-the-mill cold symptoms, only to morph into that infamous cough that got it dubbed the “100-day cough.” And if you’re thinking, “That sounds bad for adults,” just wait! It’s the unvaccinated infants who are the most at risk. They may not cough, but they might just turn blue from lack of oxygen. Not exactly how you want to welcome a child into the world, right?

Vaccination is Key

Experts stress the importance of vaccination to combat this resurgence. And get this—immunization during pregnancy is highly effective in protecting those little ones who are too young for the jab themselves. So, if you’re pregnant and reading this, it’s a good time to call your healthcare provider! If not, well, now’s as good a time as any to remind your relatives that “I’ve got the whooping cough” is not an excuse to avoid family gatherings!

Pandemic Aftermath

Remember the predictable cycles of pertussis that occurred every three to five years? Yeah, well, thanks to COVID-19, our dear friend whooping cough decided to take a vacation in 2020 and now seems to have returned with a vengeance, and more baggage than ever. The Pasteur Institute even suggested that this could be due to waning immunity from the pandemic. Because nothing says “I missed you” quite like bringing a superbug back from holiday!

Time for Monitoring

The scientists are keeping a close watch, as recent research highlights a bacterial strain that’s resistant to standard antibiotics. That’s right, we’ve now got a strain of whooping cough that doesn’t play by the rules! So, as we look forward to getting back to normal at the end of all this, let’s remember that normal includes pesky pathogens like pertussis making a comeback.


As we navigate this tricky terrain of post-pandemic life, let’s keep our health in check and not let whooping cough crash the party. The key takeaway? Vaccination is your best defense against the “100-day cough.” So, let’s raise our glasses—filled with hand sanitizer—to safety, vigilance, and a healthy future!



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