“Whoever adopts him, take care of him”: Bolivian girl forced to abandon baby after her father’s rape | Grades

Behind this history of abandonment, a series of abuses are hidden: from sexual abuse to the infamous act of a man for hiding the crime he committed once morest his own daughter.

With 14 years of life, a girl, whose body was still adapting to puberty, received a severe blow following the outrage committed by her father.

From the Bolivian municipality, La Guardia, the story shakes those who have learned of the tragic situation faced by the premature mother, who was raped by her father, impregnating her with what is now her son and, at the same time, her brother.

The crime, published by South American media such as Timecontains shocking details regarding the victims, their mother and their son.

The girl was abused by her father when he was drunk.

Doris Leaños is the director of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents of the town where the events occurred. The official confirmed what happened to the minor, whose father did everything possible so that she suffered a abortion.

The subject, identified as Tomás Sambrana, 44, gave his daughter pills, in addition to infusions to terminate the pregnancy and not be discovered in the crime.

However, the baby managed to survive. It was a matter of time for everything to come to light, like a life that was already condemned to suffering, without deserving it, just as it happened to her mother.

Photo reference: ONU

A cardboard box, a baby and a letter from a mother

With the failed abortion attempts that Sambrana planned once morest her daughter, the pregnancy came to term.

Last December, the delivery took place in the Municipal Hospital of Plan 3,000. Despite the abnormality of the situation, in every sense, the child was born in good health.

The victim went home with her baby, but her father forced her, 3 weeks following birth, to abandon him. It would be useless for the perpetrator to apologize to her daughter for the crime committed, as recorded from Argentina in the morning Clarion. His actions were still aimed at hiding his crime and harming their lives.

The young woman put together a cardboard box in which she deposited her baby. Trying to cushion the impact of abandonment, she introduced some products, among them, a blanket, two diapers, a can of milk and a bottle.

Within hours of leaving it on the street, the cry of a child caught the attention of the community. Upon approaching, people saw the newborn inside the cardboard box, an attempt to provide items for those who made the discovery and a heartfelt note from a mother who had to give up her son, due to pressure from his father. rapist.

“Whoever adopts the baby take good care of him, he has no disease”, the young woman had written. It was the most heartbreaking request, on behalf of a child who clung to life, despite her father / grandfather’s plans for an abortion.

In the note, according to the La Guardia Children’s Ombudsman, the mother justified her decision, assuring that her precarious situation did not allow her to keep the child.

“I can’t support my baby because I work as a maid”, he wrote in the letter. In addition to being raped and forced to abandon her son, she hinted that child labor was part of a short life, full of infamies.

El Tiempo / Ombudsman for Bolivian children

The investigation that led to the prison for a rapist

Everything fell under its own weight. When the baby was found and the note was read, the Ombudsman for Children took action, alerted by the community.

Director Doris Leaños assured that they found the hospital where the baby was born. There, an error would have been made, although it is being investigated whether it started from the medical staff or it was the police that did not act on the previous complaint from the health center.

“If you had the baby, you have to check if they notified the Ombudsman and the Police, but if they reported the case, you have to see why they didn’t do their job”assured the official.

However, the tracking of the minor and her son was activated, finding their whereregardings and discovering that the rapist had been the girl’s father.

The baby abandoned in a cardboard box in Bolivia, got covid, but recovered.
Duty / Bolivia

After an abbreviated trial, the subject was sent to the Palmasola prison, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. In that place he will spend 25 years locked up for the crime he committed.

As if that were not enough, it transpired that following being found and rescued by the Bolivian authorities, the minor became ill. After being examined, it was confirmed that the baby was infected with covid-19. But, once more, survival prevailed and it overcame the virus.

To date, he is in a foster home, while the authorities decide his fate. Those who rescued him call him moisésinspired by the biblical story.

The young 14-year-old mother has already expressed her desire to recover it following her father entered prison. However, it is the judiciary that will define the fate of two minors who are victims of the humiliation of a figure who should be a protector and not an aggressor.

The heartfelt letter from a young woman who abandoned her baby forced by her father who raped her.
Duty / Bolivia



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