Who would be the successor of Los Chapitos if all the brothers fall?

Gradually, the most significant drug traffickers in Mexico have been falling; in the case of The Chapitos, the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel led by the children of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, two of the leaders are in custody of US authorities: Ovid Guzmán López, alias “The Mouse”, and Joaquín Guzmán López, alias “El Güero”.

The most high-profile case was that of Ovidio Guzmán, who was arrested for the first time in October 2019 during an incident that later became known as “The Culiacanazo”. After authorities arrested him in a house in Culiacán, violence erupted.

The city turned into a war zone, with gunfire everywhere, prison escapes, drug blockades, and other chaos resulting from his arrest, leading to an order for his release.

A second “Black Thursday” occurred on January 5, 2023, when violence erupted again in the town of Jesús María, Culiacán, following the arrest of “El Ratón.” However, this time, neither the gunfire nor the drug blockades managed to free Ovidio.

He was taken to the Altiplano maximum security prison in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico, and nine months later, he was extradited to the United States, where he will face prosecution.

Surprisingly, on July 25, 2024, Joaquín Guzmán López was arrested in El Paso, Texas, along with the supreme leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, whom he allegedly kidnapped to hand him over to American justice and reach a deal. However, at his initial hearing, he pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

The Children of “El Chapo” Still at Large

Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar are the other two sons of “El Chapo” who remain free, despite the DEA filing charges against them in early 2023 as part of the fight against fentanyl trafficking.

Following the arrests of their brothers and divisions within the Sinaloa Cartel, Iván and Jesús now seek to become the sole leaders of the criminal organization co-founded by their father.

Although the betrayal endured by “El Mayo” at the hands of Los Chapitos could lead to a large-scale internal struggle for control of the criminal group, others believe this could signal the end for “El Chapo’s” sons.

The Successor of Los Chapitos

If Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo fall, the question arises regarding who will succeed the criminal group. Journalist Anabel Hernández provided an answer in her podcast “Narcosistema,” where she named an individual already recognized as the brilliant mind behind Los Chapitos.

This individual is José Ángel Canobbio Inzunza, better known as “El Güerito,” who plays a key role in fentanyl trafficking and, unlike the cartel’s top leaders, is not on the United States’ priority target list.

Additionally, the Mexican journalist, an expert in drug trafficking, mentioned “El Güerito”’s brother, Jorge Abraham Cannobio Inzunza, whose role within the criminal organization is also crucial.

José Ángel was not always part of organized crime; he was once a manager at a Mercedes Benz dealership. He is fluent in English and has international contacts, making him a key asset in the operations of Los Chapitos. He is considered extremely intelligent and methodical, with skills in resource management and criminal strategy.

Another aspect that distinguishes “El Güerito” is the violence and brutality with which he operates. Testimonies suggest that he is willing to resort to extreme methods to achieve his objectives, without regard for potential civilian casualties, including women and children.

In May 2023, the significance of “El Güerito” was highlighted through an email sent by Dámaso López Serrano, alias “El Mini Lic,” to various media outlets such as Zeta Tijuana, Riodoce, and Borderland Beat.

According to Dámaso, “El Güerito” was the one who proposed the manufacture of fake oxycodone pills contaminated with fentanyl, asserting that it would be a more lucrative business than cocaine or heroin trafficking. Thus began one of the most tragic stories related to the current health crisis caused by this drug.

Continue reading:
– AMLO asks for information on the agreement between “El Chapo’s” sons and the US after the capture of “El Mayo.”
– “Los Chapitos” will face each other in court in Chicago.

The Fall of Los Chapitos: A New Era in the Sinaloa Cartel

Little by little, the most important drug traffickers in Mexico have been falling, and in the case of The Chapitos, the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel led by the children of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, two of the leaders are now in the custody of US authorities: Ovid Guzman Lopez, alias “The Mouse,” and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, alias “El Güero.”

Key Arrests and Notable Incidents

The most high-profile case was that of Ovidio Guzmán, who was first arrested in October 2019 during an event that has since been termed “The Culiacanazo.” Following his arrest in Culiacán, violence erupted across the city, leading to gunfire, prison escapes, and drug blockades. The chaos was so severe that authorities subsequently ordered his release amid the turmoil.

A second violent incident took place on January 5, 2023, described as another “Black Thursday.” This time, in the town of Jesús María, Culiacán, violence flared again due to the arrest of “El Ratón.” Unlike the previous event, this time, neither shootings nor drug blockades succeeded in freeing Ovidio.

Ovidio was taken to the maximum-security prison of Altiplano in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico, and nine months later, he was extradited to the United States, where he will face prosecution.

The Arrest of Joaquin Guzman Lopez

On July 25, 2024, Joaquín Guzmán López was arrested in El Paso, Texas, alongside the supreme leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. Allegedly, he attempted to kidnap “El Mayo” to hand him over to the US justice system in exchange for a deal. However, at his first hearing, he pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

Remaining Sons of “El Chapo”

Despite the arrests, two sons of “El Chapo” remain free: Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar. The DEA filed charges against them in early 2023 as part of their ongoing battle against fentanyl trafficking.

With the arrests of their brothers and divisions within the Sinaloa Cartel, Iván and Jesús aim to become the sole leaders of the organization co-founded by their father. However, the betrayal from “El Mayo” by the Chapitos could lead to significant internal power struggles and questions about the future of the criminal group.

Potential Successor: The Rise of “El Güerito”

If Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo face downfall, questions arise about who would succeed them as leaders of the cartel. Journalist Anabel Hernández mentioned a potential successor during her podcast “Narcosistema,” highlighting Jose Angel Canobbio Inzunza, known as “El Güerito.”

The Role of El Güerito in Fentanyl Trafficking

El Güerito is a key player in fentanyl trafficking operations and has not yet been prioritized on the U.S. target list. His background is intriguing; he previously managed a Mercedes Benz dealership and possesses fluency in English along with established international contacts, making him an asset for the cartel.

In an email sent in May 2023, Damaso Lopez Serrano, alias “El Mini Lic,” emphasized El Güerito’s significance in proposing the manufacturing of fake oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl. This innovative approach has fueled one of the most critical health crises in recent times.

Violence and Brutality

El Güerito’s operational style is characterized by a ruthless approach to achieving objectives, often disregarding the potential harm to civilians. Reports indicate his willingness to employ extreme measures, raising significant concerns about public safety and the nature of cartel violence.

The Future of the Sinaloa Cartel

With the ongoing arrests and shifting dynamics within the Sinaloa Cartel, the future of Los Chapitos remains uncertain. The internal conflicts and struggles for power could mark a new chapter in narcotrafficking history, with emerging players like El Güerito potentially reshaping the landscape.

Implications for Mexican and U.S. Law Enforcement

The ongoing arrests and the rise of new leadership pose unique challenges for law enforcement agencies. They must adapt and find effective strategies to combat the evolving nature of these criminal organizations.

Further Reading



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