Who won and who lost, asked for the same for SYRIZA

Who won and who lost, asked for the same for SYRIZA

The debate of the six leadership candidates for the leadership of PASOK was described as interesting by Elena Akritawith the SYRIZA deputy estimating that “the two ladies were big losers” and “big winner” Pavlos Geroulanos.

Elena Akrita asked for a similar debate to be held for SYRIZA as well pointing out that “the world needs it, especially now that the party looks like – and is – a landscape in the fog”.

Specifically, in her post she states:

“The PASOK debate, despite the suffocating conditions, was interesting. Big losers, in my opinion, the two ladies. Nadia Giannakopoulou who was consumed in coffee shop fights with Nikos Androulakis, who came out victorious with his serious and dignified attitude towards her. And Anna Diamantopoulou who lost her temper after being closely branded by Michalis Katrinis for her pro-government positions on the crime of Tempe and wiretapping.
Androulakis, Doukas, Katrinis cool, knowledgeable, after a word of acquaintance. Pavlos Geroulanos is a great winner – always in my humble opinion.
A similar debate for the SYRIZA elections would be useful. The world needs it, especially now that the party looks like – and is – a landscape in the fog.”

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#won #lost #asked #SYRIZA



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